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Running a Delphi Application in a Web-browser

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Jan 5, 2001
This is a subject I have no experience of. Someone has suggested that we look at designing them an application using delphi but the end product needs to run in a web-browser (Internet Explorer).
How easily achieved is this ?
I've been able to convert one form into an Active X control which I can use in a web-page but have failed to create associations between more than one form and cannot make use of Datamodules.
Is this do-able ?
The back-end database is to be SQL Server 7.0 (or 2000) and will only be used on a network (not accessed from the web).
Any help would be appreciated.
you could create a web-server application (isapi or cgi).

this is how i create web based apps anyway.
I'm guessing that this would mean the learning of CGI and the likes then ?
Is there any way to get an application to run in the web browser so that it has the look and feel of a standard desktop run Delphi application, GUI elements and all ?
Thanks again.
What version of Delphi are u planning on using? that is not possible with delphi 5.. Delphi 6 has some interesting new web development features but im not sure whether that is possible yet... (If it is I need to try harder to talk my boss into upgrading)

Learning cgi is not necessary, just html and sql partnered with Delphi. There are some great tutorials about.

Would this solution mean that I would get Delphi to generate the html pages as required and have these on the server such that the user can view the results of the SQL ?
Ideally I'm after allowing the users to have a GUI environment within the web-browser such that it has the look and feel of a standard Delphi app. For instance a user may want to enter a selection criteria for generation of data from the database and have it presented on his machine only. Would the solution provided above mean that the processes were run on the server and the user would have to know where the appropriate generated html pages were on the server ?
I'm probably asking too much from this (having the GUI sitting within the web-browser) ? - but it's something a client asked for and I'm looking at the possibility.
I'm using Delphi 5, have some SQL know-how along with html coding experience.
The html is generated dynamically within your cgi-application, depending on the request that comes from your user. For example your user could see a page with a selection drop-down box. When the user selects <whatever> your cgi-application (.exe) would process delphi code and generate html and content depending on that selection.

This way uses &quot;actions&quot; not html pages, although those actions generate the response html.

I have an entire application running on the internet for a wide-spread group of companies which has a database containing more than 20 tables (interbase). My users have nothing but good things to say about using it. The interface is entirely in the hands of the designer this way. My boss wanted the same as your clients but this was not possible at the time.

I am fairly sure you cannot do what you are wanting to with Delphi 5.. perhaps some research into Delphi6's new web development services could shed some more light on that goal.

good luck. :-Q
Tracey : Thanks for your advice and pointers with this.
You could write an activex module that would run in the browser using the <object> tag and a GUID. It is not too difficult to do this with delphi
Hi all, I agree with Jeff, you should make an ActiveX
object. I have a book which has an example of it ...
Although giving you ISBN number wont be of much use since
I doubt that it is available in any other language than
Dutch ...

Good luck, BobbaFet

Everyone has a right to my opinion.
E-mail me at caswegkamp@hotmail.com
Hi all.

With Delphi7 there is a new component which may support the integration of Delphi application to web. &quot;INTRAWEB&quot; it is called. This is just a test component. You have to get license to the component to get full functonality.

I havent bought this license yet, but I am considering to...

You can also create ActiveX objects as it have been told.

Best regards,
One BIG correction: it CAN be done with Delphi 5. I have developed a application specific webserver in D5 with the simple use of a TCPServer socket. The goal of the project was web-enabling of an ERP package, where I communicate to the client's using HTML & JavaScript, and simulate the correct communication to the ERP package. It works perfectly! Never too old to learn...
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