Good Morning All!
I am trying to run a report in where I am choosing from a List Box called AssetNumber from my form called Query_Menu. In that List box are a list of all the Asset Numbers that are on a table called Equipment.
In the Equipment Table, there is a field called Asset_Number, which at one time was a type Number, but I recently chaned it to type Text, due to that I needed the trailing "00" at the beginning of each Asset Number.
What I am trying to attempt is to be able to choose specific Asset Numbers from the list and have it appear on a report called Assets.
I was able to fix all the other reports but this one. I am getting the following error:
Run-time error '3075':
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '( Or(([Asset_Number]=004603 Or (([Asset_Number])=004604))'.
Here is the suspicious code that is giving me the trouble:
Private Sub AssetNumber_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSql As String
Dim intI As Integer
Dim strSelectedValues As String
strSql = "Select * from Equipment where ("
'Me.txtWhereClause = strSql
With Me.AssetNumber
For intI = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(intI) Then
strSelectedValues = strSelectedValues & " Or " & "(([Asset_Number])= " & .ItemData(intI) & ")"
End If
Next intI
End With
'strSelectedValues = Trim(Right(strSelectedValues, Len(strSelectedValues) - 4)) - This one is taken out due to another Run-Time error #3464.
Me.txtWhereClause = strSql & strSelectedValues & ");"
End Sub
Any suggestions:
I am trying to run a report in where I am choosing from a List Box called AssetNumber from my form called Query_Menu. In that List box are a list of all the Asset Numbers that are on a table called Equipment.
In the Equipment Table, there is a field called Asset_Number, which at one time was a type Number, but I recently chaned it to type Text, due to that I needed the trailing "00" at the beginning of each Asset Number.
What I am trying to attempt is to be able to choose specific Asset Numbers from the list and have it appear on a report called Assets.
I was able to fix all the other reports but this one. I am getting the following error:
Run-time error '3075':
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '( Or(([Asset_Number]=004603 Or (([Asset_Number])=004604))'.
Here is the suspicious code that is giving me the trouble:
Private Sub AssetNumber_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSql As String
Dim intI As Integer
Dim strSelectedValues As String
strSql = "Select * from Equipment where ("
'Me.txtWhereClause = strSql
With Me.AssetNumber
For intI = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(intI) Then
strSelectedValues = strSelectedValues & " Or " & "(([Asset_Number])= " & .ItemData(intI) & ")"
End If
Next intI
End With
'strSelectedValues = Trim(Right(strSelectedValues, Len(strSelectedValues) - 4)) - This one is taken out due to another Run-Time error #3464.
Me.txtWhereClause = strSql & strSelectedValues & ");"
End Sub
Any suggestions: