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Run-time error 2486 - Access 2000 VB error

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Jul 3, 2001

I have a problem with a vendor's application that is written for Access 2000 in Visual Basic. We are using the Access 2000 front-end to connect to a SQL 7.0 backend.

We are suddenly getting various errors at random times (but not all the time!), the most common being the following . . . When the users click on buttons from a particular form, they get the error "Run-time error '2486': You can't carry out this action at the present time."

When we click on Debug, it takes us to a module that has the following code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim ii As Integer

ii = pUBLoadUser(320)
ii = pUBAccountVisible()
DoCmd.GoToControl "whichPremise"
Exit Sub

End Sub

The developer has been of no help--I have even tried doing things like compacting and repairing the database and re-compiling (no error messages). Can anyone give me a clue as to what could be causing this?

Many thanks--

Beth Armstrong
DoCmd.Maximize is the line that is highlighted.
All of a sudden I am getting that same error message whenever a user clicks on my form's command button. I have a docmd.maximize but it doesn't matter wether you have this commented out or not, it occurs anywhere.
I've started getting a similar error in an app I coded in Access 97 and was recently converted to 2k. I'll try and post a fix when I get one (It's a critical app, and has to be fixed soon).

I also get the error 2486 in an Access2000 application, which is ODBC-connected to an Oracle database.
A query-batch is started and the error occurs the first time on a specific Query. Once occured the error comes whenever you start the batch.
Starting the queries from the database-window works fine...

That error seems to be a bit tricky.


Why don't use On Error to get a Error description. I cannot understand an Error without a description of it

the error description is given in the first posting of this thread.

Did anyone ever find a solution to this error? I have this happening in a form when I click from field to field, but only after I have done a filter or sort of the records. Occasionally I see the run time error message as well and it highlights the docmd.maximize (which is on the main form yet the issues is in the subform). Please help. Dawn
Well, the answer is I did not find an answer. After spending a lot of time on the phone with Microsoft, they could not help me. My organization migrated to Windows 2000 where the error has not been present (nor was it present in WinNT machines). I think it has something to do with memory resource handling of 9X machines.

Good luck
Well my answer, if it was an answer, was to delete the code in the afterupdate event of the combo box. For some reason it did not produce the error any longer. After looking at the code it didn't appear to be doing anything but saving the record , which get's saved as soon as the user goes to a new record anyway.
I know this is an old message... but has anyone ever figured out a solution to this problem?

I am getting this 2486 runtime error when attempting to run an SQL statement in VBA against a table on a SQL server. I don't get this error when I run the dB on my computer. But when i put it on a colleague's computer, I get this error. What's strange is that another SQL statement run the same way worked in the code before getting to this piece that errors out.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

I was getting error 2486 in several Access 2000 reports, but not all the time.

Scenario: Report_Open opens a modal popup form to select criteria; user clicks OK and form is hidden; report uses selection criteria to display data; Report_Close closes the form and the report closes. (Original developer did it this way.)

I found that depending on the _data_ there could be divide-by-zero errors in the query. I changed to prevent the divide-by-zero errors, and that fixed the report.
More info behind the 2486 error...

The SQL query that I have setup as a pass-through query works fine... however, when I get to the query which is based on tables which are linked, I get the 2486 error... but not on all machines...

if anyone knows anything about this... i would greatly appreciate some input on this error.

This problem has recently become an issue for me too.

Access 2000 apps interfacing via ODBC to a MySQL 4.1.12 datastore.

So far the problem has manifest itself on ONE machine that has, until recently been working fine.
The other 50+ users are having no problems at all.

This machine is running Windoz 2000 profressional with Office 2000.

( The issue being that the one machine that is having problems belongs to the client's senior administrator - she is NOT happy ! )

Tec. support has deinstalled and re-installed Office with no improvement.

Remove the NOJUNK to use.
You're more likely to figure this out if you post this thread in the Access VBA forum.



First, sorry for my English.

I have problem:

In my table, one fild I created like text(max len is 255). In form, I have text control wTEXT. After I fill any text in this control, I click on button to perform:

docmd.runsql "update table set text = forms!form_1!wTEXT"

I can update field only if len(wTEXT) <= 127. If len of text is 128 or more, i get error: "Run-time error '2486': You can't carry out this action at the present time."

I have W98 and MSOffice 2000. I have 64MB of RAM on my PC, but i have this error even when I put 256 MB module. When I run my aplication on Office 2000 or Office2002 but on WXP, it works OK, allways.

Sorry for my English, again.

I would suggest that you start a new thread in the Access VBA forum. Go to forum705 and select "start new thread."

You don't need to apologize for your English. First, we can understand it, and that's what matters. Second, you speak my language a lot better than I speak yours, and I'm sure that's true of most of us. :)

Hope this helps,

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