Technical User
This is a strange one I hope someone could help with;
The code worked fine, in 2003, the database was open and code was ran in access 2010. Since then the code works fine in 2010 but the following error appears in 2003. "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error.
I have 6 groups of code moving data from an access table to an excel sheet (Please see below)
Each group is almost identical apart from the source table, target file name, and some of the columns.
I have a table of firms where information is taken from and put into the code. There are about 70 firm records.
Now here is the unusual part, the code works fine for 3 or 4 firm records (So all groups of code are run for each firm record). Then the error will appear on one of the groups of code, I dont change anything and just click play, and it carrys on running completing the code it got stuck on and working through another 3 to 6 firm records. It then stops again, on another group of code. click play and it Continues. You can do this until all reports are created.
The highlighted errors in the code also change for example it could be
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 1) = rs!A
but on another Public Sub it might be
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 3) = rs!C
Has anyone else come across this error? I have Tried Compact and Repair, I created a New DB in 2003 and copied all tables and code, i also created a new one copied tables etc. Then cut and paste the code.
Public Sub ExportingFirms()
'This code brings in the participant Firm information from the qryFirmParticipantsFileNames
'to carry into the UnpaidPremium, Pipeline, Lapses, Canx, Submitted, Issued and Zip Code Below
'The code also carry's the flags/markers showing which reports a firm receives, if they require
'csv formating, and if the reports need to be encrypted.
'This code is for the Firms
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("qryFirmParticipantsFileNames", dbOpenDynaset)
If rs.EOF = False Then
While rs.EOF = False
UnpaidPremiumFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Unpaid, rs!MissedPremiumReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
PipelineReportFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Pipeline, rs!PipelineReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
LapsesFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Lapses, rs!LapsesReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
CanxFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!CanxCoolOffs, rs!CanxReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
SubmittedFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Submitted, rs!SubmittedReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
IssuedFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Issued, rs!IssuedReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
ZipFilesFirm rs!ZipFile, rs!Encryption
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub UnpaidPremiumFirm(ByVal FSANumber As String, ByVal Unpaid As String, ByVal MissedPremiumReport As Boolean, ByVal CSVFileFormats As Boolean)
'This code creates the Unpaid Premium excel reports in Excel format, the information for the reports comes from
'the sub Exporting Firms. It also saves a CSV File
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim sql As String
Dim useRow As Integer
Dim usePanel As String
Dim source As String
Dim target As String
'Checks if the firm has requested the report, and if so the report is produced
If MissedPremiumReport = True Then
Set db = CurrentDb
Set objExcel = New Excel.Application
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add("S:\CorporateShared\Sales\NEWBUS99\IntermediaryUnpaidPremiumReports\Intermediary Unpaid Premium Templates\FirmUnpaidPremium.xlt")
Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Sheets(1)
sql = "SELECT [qryWeeklyReportUnpaid].* " & _
"FROM [qryWeeklyReportUnpaid] " & _
"WHERE (([qryWeeklyReportUnpaid].P)=" & FSANumber & ")"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset)
If rs.EOF = False Then
useRow = 2
While rs.EOF = False
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 1) = rs!A
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 2) = rs!B
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 3) = rs!C
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 4) = rs!D
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 5) = rs!E
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 6) = rs!F
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 7) = rs!G
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 8) = rs!H
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 9) = rs!I
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 10) = rs!J
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 11) = rs!K
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 12) = rs!L
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 13) = rs!M
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 14) = rs!N
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 15) = rs!O
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 16) = rs!S
useRow = useRow + 1
End If
objWorksheet.Name = "Unpaid Premiums"
Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Sheets(1)
objWorkbook.SaveAs "S:\CorporateShared\Sales\NEWBUS99\IntermediaryUnpaidPremiumReports\FirmFiles\" & Unpaid & ".xls", FileFormat:=56
'Checks if CSV format is required and if so a CSV version of the report is saved.
If CSVFileFormats = True Then
objWorkbook.SaveAs "S:\CorporateShared\Sales\NEWBUS99\IntermediaryUnpaidPremiumReports\FirmFiles\" & Unpaid & ".csv", 23
End If
objWorkbook.Close True
Set objWorksheet = Nothing
Set objWorkbook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
GoTo Exit_UnpaidPemium
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
The code worked fine, in 2003, the database was open and code was ran in access 2010. Since then the code works fine in 2010 but the following error appears in 2003. "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error.
I have 6 groups of code moving data from an access table to an excel sheet (Please see below)
Each group is almost identical apart from the source table, target file name, and some of the columns.
I have a table of firms where information is taken from and put into the code. There are about 70 firm records.
Now here is the unusual part, the code works fine for 3 or 4 firm records (So all groups of code are run for each firm record). Then the error will appear on one of the groups of code, I dont change anything and just click play, and it carrys on running completing the code it got stuck on and working through another 3 to 6 firm records. It then stops again, on another group of code. click play and it Continues. You can do this until all reports are created.
The highlighted errors in the code also change for example it could be
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 1) = rs!A
but on another Public Sub it might be
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 3) = rs!C
Has anyone else come across this error? I have Tried Compact and Repair, I created a New DB in 2003 and copied all tables and code, i also created a new one copied tables etc. Then cut and paste the code.
Public Sub ExportingFirms()
'This code brings in the participant Firm information from the qryFirmParticipantsFileNames
'to carry into the UnpaidPremium, Pipeline, Lapses, Canx, Submitted, Issued and Zip Code Below
'The code also carry's the flags/markers showing which reports a firm receives, if they require
'csv formating, and if the reports need to be encrypted.
'This code is for the Firms
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("qryFirmParticipantsFileNames", dbOpenDynaset)
If rs.EOF = False Then
While rs.EOF = False
UnpaidPremiumFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Unpaid, rs!MissedPremiumReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
PipelineReportFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Pipeline, rs!PipelineReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
LapsesFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Lapses, rs!LapsesReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
CanxFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!CanxCoolOffs, rs!CanxReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
SubmittedFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Submitted, rs!SubmittedReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
IssuedFirm rs!FSANumber, rs!Issued, rs!IssuedReport, rs!CSVFileFormats
ZipFilesFirm rs!ZipFile, rs!Encryption
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub UnpaidPremiumFirm(ByVal FSANumber As String, ByVal Unpaid As String, ByVal MissedPremiumReport As Boolean, ByVal CSVFileFormats As Boolean)
'This code creates the Unpaid Premium excel reports in Excel format, the information for the reports comes from
'the sub Exporting Firms. It also saves a CSV File
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim sql As String
Dim useRow As Integer
Dim usePanel As String
Dim source As String
Dim target As String
'Checks if the firm has requested the report, and if so the report is produced
If MissedPremiumReport = True Then
Set db = CurrentDb
Set objExcel = New Excel.Application
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add("S:\CorporateShared\Sales\NEWBUS99\IntermediaryUnpaidPremiumReports\Intermediary Unpaid Premium Templates\FirmUnpaidPremium.xlt")
Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Sheets(1)
sql = "SELECT [qryWeeklyReportUnpaid].* " & _
"FROM [qryWeeklyReportUnpaid] " & _
"WHERE (([qryWeeklyReportUnpaid].P)=" & FSANumber & ")"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset)
If rs.EOF = False Then
useRow = 2
While rs.EOF = False
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 1) = rs!A
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 2) = rs!B
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 3) = rs!C
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 4) = rs!D
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 5) = rs!E
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 6) = rs!F
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 7) = rs!G
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 8) = rs!H
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 9) = rs!I
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 10) = rs!J
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 11) = rs!K
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 12) = rs!L
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 13) = rs!M
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 14) = rs!N
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 15) = rs!O
objWorksheet.Cells(useRow, 16) = rs!S
useRow = useRow + 1
End If
objWorksheet.Name = "Unpaid Premiums"
Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Sheets(1)
objWorkbook.SaveAs "S:\CorporateShared\Sales\NEWBUS99\IntermediaryUnpaidPremiumReports\FirmFiles\" & Unpaid & ".xls", FileFormat:=56
'Checks if CSV format is required and if so a CSV version of the report is saved.
If CSVFileFormats = True Then
objWorkbook.SaveAs "S:\CorporateShared\Sales\NEWBUS99\IntermediaryUnpaidPremiumReports\FirmFiles\" & Unpaid & ".csv", 23
End If
objWorkbook.Close True
Set objWorksheet = Nothing
Set objWorkbook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
GoTo Exit_UnpaidPemium
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub