The problem is how to run a SQL script > 455 lines.
I have MsSQL Server and Delphi 5 and RX library.
with the SQLScript component i try to run a script about >1000 lines, but the script runs ok all the time from 1 to 455 lines and the rest of the script was ignored...
i also use Query component, and same problem.
the code:
DataModuleACT.SQLScriptExecACTCentral.SQL.Text := vU_InsRH.Text;
DataModuleACT.Query1.SQL.Text := vU_InsRH.Text;
::> this only execute 455 lines... and no more...
but if i use the next code:
DataModuleACT.Query1.SQL.Text := vU_InsRH.Text;
DataModuleACT.Query1.Active:= False;
DataModuleACT.Query1.Active:= True;
all data is post and ok in DB, but raise a cursor exception!!
ok i can use [try except] for this, but
where are the problem with .ExecSQL?
how to solve the "Error creating the cursor"?
I have MsSQL Server and Delphi 5 and RX library.
with the SQLScript component i try to run a script about >1000 lines, but the script runs ok all the time from 1 to 455 lines and the rest of the script was ignored...
i also use Query component, and same problem.
the code:
DataModuleACT.SQLScriptExecACTCentral.SQL.Text := vU_InsRH.Text;
DataModuleACT.Query1.SQL.Text := vU_InsRH.Text;
::> this only execute 455 lines... and no more...
but if i use the next code:
DataModuleACT.Query1.SQL.Text := vU_InsRH.Text;
DataModuleACT.Query1.Active:= False;
DataModuleACT.Query1.Active:= True;
all data is post and ok in DB, but raise a cursor exception!!
ok i can use [try except] for this, but
where are the problem with .ExecSQL?
how to solve the "Error creating the cursor"?