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Run different queries based on value of Combo Box. 1

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Nov 5, 2002
Looking for some help running queries based on a combo box. Have looked through the forums and couldn't find anything on running different queries based on values.

I need to allow the user to switch back and forth between two different recipients of documents that are to be printed and mailed. To do this, I created one table that will store the information for the recipient which will be printed as an address. I have a form called F_MailRequest with a combo box (Combo60) that the user can select one of 2 different recipient types from . I need to be able to run one of two different update queries based on the value of the combobox. The values in the box are from a table called tbl_shipselections. There are two columns in the combo box and the bound column is #1. Values are 1 Owner, 2 LH. When the value of the combo box is ID 1 "Owner" I want to run a query called qry_UPD_MReq_RecipientShip (Yes I know that is a long name). When the value of the combo box is ID 2 "LH" I want to run a query called qry_UPD_MReq_LH.
In the AfterUpdate for the combo box I have the following code.

Private Sub Combo60_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me.Combo60.Column(1)
Case 1
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_UPD_MReq_ReceipientShip"
Case 2
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_UPD_MReq_LHShip"
End Select
End Sub

I don't get any errors, but the update queries won't run. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Use database.QueryDefs.execute instead of DoCmd.Open. Try using something like this:

Private Sub Combo60_AfterUpdate()
dim Qname as string
Dim DB as Database
Dim RowsChanged as Integer
Set DB = CurrentDB
  Select Case Me.Combo60.Column(1)
    Case 1
      QName = "qry_UPD_MReq_ReceipientShip"
    Case 2
      QName ="qry_UPD_MReq_LHShip"
  End Select
  RowsChanged = DB.QueryDefs[QName].Execute.
End Sub
Thanks Prattaratt, I got a syntax error using that code on the line with the RowsChanged.
Replace this:
RowsChanged = DB.QueryDefs[QName].Execute.
with this:
DB.QueryDefs(QName).Execute dbFailOnError

Hope This Helps, PH.
That line is jacked up
 RowsChanged = DB.QueryDefs[QName].Execute.
1. execute is a method not a function so you would have to do
2. Cannot use brackets for an index of a collection so
3. Typo with a period at the end so

To get the recordschanged you would have to change it up some to use the rowsaffected method of the DAO querydef object

Something more like
Private Sub Combo60_AfterUpdate()
   dim Qname as string
   dim qdf as dao.querydef
   Dim RowsChanged as Integer
   Select Case Me.Combo60.Column(1)
    Case 1
      QName = "qry_UPD_MReq_ReceipientShip"
    Case 2
      QName ="qry_UPD_MReq_LHShip"
   End Select
   debug.print QName
   set qdf = currentdb.querydefs(QName)
   rowschanged = qdf.rowsaffected
End Sub
Yes, you are correct in that it should be parentheses instead of brackets. I have just been coding in C++ and Delphi instead of Basic for a long stretch and just got accustomed to their style of indexing. MajP's comments are all on target.
Thanks MajP. Using your proposal I received a different error. Compile Error: Method or Data member not Found.
Should have mentioned the portion of the code that is highlighted is .rowsaffected
Maj - Now getting a runtime error 3265 Item not found in this collection. Row highlighted is

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(Qname)

I am not familiar with QueryDef object so am not sure hot to troubleshoot. Here is what I have currently

Dim Qname As String
Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef
Dim RowsChanged As Integer
Select Case Me.Combo60.Column(1)
Case 1
Qname = "qry_UPD_MReq_ReceipientShip"
Case 2
Qname = "qry_UPD_MReq_LHShip"
End Select
Debug.Print Qname
Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(Qname)
RowsChanged = qdf.RecordsAffected
Ok, fixed the spelling. Actually shortened the query names completely. Getting run-time 3265 Item not found in this collection. Row affected is Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(Qname. Is there some other object library I need to have slected? This is an Acess 2010 db.

Dim Qname As String
Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef
Dim RowsChanged As Integer
Select Case Me.Combo60.Column(1)
Case 1
Qname = "qry_UPD_RShip"
Case 2
Qname = "qry_UPD_LHShip"
End Select
Debug.Print Qname
[highlight #FCE94F]Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(Qname)[/highlight]
RowsChanged = qdf.RecordsAffected
Change this line
Debug.Print Qname
Debug.Print "Query Name = " & Qname

Then show what is printed. The error message is quite explicit. Whatever value you are returning from the combo box is not the name of a query.
My guess is that we really want the value of the first column not LH. The first column is index of 0

So either change to
Select Case Me.Combo60.Column(0)
or simply
Select Case Me.Combo60.value ' since bound
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