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Apr 24, 2002
I first saw this routine posted by (I think) Steven S and it works fine under the Win9x family. Under XP it fails because START.EXE no longer exists. Does anybody have a solution for XP (and I presume all the NT family)?

Thanks in advance,

cFile = SYS(2023) + SYS(3) + '.URL'
IF FILE(m.cFile)
ERASE (m.cFile)
nFh = FCREATE(m.cFile)
IF m.nFH < 0
WAIT &quot;Can't create a temporary file for the email&quot; WINDOW NOWAIT
= FPUTS(m.nFH,'[InternetShortcut]')
= FWRITE(m.nFH,'URL=mailto:' + cURL)
= FWRITE(m.nFH,'?subject=Enter subject')

RUN /N2 START &cFile

There must something else at play, because if I use the above code in VFP7.0 on XP, it brings up an Outlook message with the information filled in the appropriate places.

Mike Gagnon

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Thanks for responding - how the heck is yours working? I've searched my XP installation for START.EXE (or .COM)and it doesn't exist. It *does* exist on both a WinMe machine and a Win98 machine so my assumption was that it is not part of XP. There's no reference in the help files to a replacement.
Out of interest, was your XP installation an upgrade? I can see it being left over in those circumstances.

Thanks again
Further info: I copied START.EXE from a WinMe machine and it will run on the XP machine and does indeed start the default email client BUT it first starts as a DOS EXE and blanks the screen for 1+ seconds. Very anoying.

I'm looking at alternatives - the most obvious is to use an API call to determine the location of the default email client but I can't track down what calls are available using RegFn and CallFn in Foxtools - The notes say they are in the SDK documentation and I don't have that. MS KnowledgeBase only seems to deal with the latest release (not unreasonable I suppose). Does any have any further info?

Thanks to all
I had to experiment quite a bit with a way to send an email with an attachment through FPD26. After doing a bunch of searches all over the net, and try the different things that came up, what I found that works for myself is to call the .url file like this:

RUN c:\cmd.exe /c start c:\sendmail.txt

I don't see a DOS window poping up. if it does, it must be awfully quick because I don't even see it blink... :)


FYI.. The start command does exist in Windows XP. It is part of CMD.EXE, so you must be running a DOS window and type the command in from there. I use it here to start a Win32 application in the middle of a batch file for overnight processing. The correct syntax (From the command line) is START /W <WinApp.Exe>. the /W will cause the command processor to wait until the Win32 app exits.
RLG: When I try that without the cmd.exe, it won't work for me tho... bad command or filename is what I get..

First, thanks to all for the input.
I don't know whether the START.EXE we had in Win9x & ME is replaced in XP or not. I appreciate that some have it available but the fact that some machines don't have it makes it impossible for me to continue with the approach I had adopted. I'm therefore going to write an external EXE to handle my calls consistently; if this is flexible and usable by others, I'll make it public domain and post a link here.
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