I heard a rumor today that Avaya is going to do away with the Partner line in 2011, as well as most of the Nortel line,Guess they want the Office IP to be the only game in town?
Can anyone confirm this.
From what I've read, Avaya will be introducing an IP Office 500 chassis running Partner ACS software. The maximum configuration will still be 15x48; however, you will only be able to use up to 18 Partner phones. Above that, you'll need to use Avaya's 1400 series digital phones.
Well, it could be a 24X48 with a PRI or T1, but it is the Partner software none the less. It seems that all the gears are in motion for an end of sale notice for the Partner ACS.
Here is what I know as of right now..keeping in mind this is what I know from forums and webinars. It is basically the partner software on an ipo 500. When using a partner phone it is truly still an ETR phone with the adjunct port working for headsets/credit card machines/whatever. The admin software looks similar to the Remote admin software for the PACS. (Again, have not seen it yet). Also, this is not really a true migration from the PACS because of the 18 Partner phone limit like Dexman said above. The remaining phones need to be DS phones such as the 5400/1400 series. As well, you are still locked into the 48 station limit. If you choose to go to the true fashioned IP Office route then you need to ditch the Partner phones all together and go with either DS or IP phones. As well, someone also said no MLS sets, they will not work on the IP 500 Partner cards. We shall see when R6 goes GA at the end of the month.
Jinxs is close. If you install the Partner software on the IP 500 chasis, and want to go to IP Office software, you will just need to install the IPO software card and WILL be able to reuse the Partner phones.
Telecomtekperson, are you positive on that? I have called my regular channels and everyone I have spoken to so far has said you can not use the 6 port Partner card when using the IP Office SD card. It was very disappointing when I heard that news.
If you have a partner version then you need a new license card for converting it into an ipoffice.
You can not use partner phones on an ipoffice!!!
These systems are just two different systems in a simular box.
It is partner or ipo!
If you sell a ipo in partner mode then you better sell the 1500 serie phones with it.
The 1500 serie phones work on partner and on the ipoffice.
If the customer expands and grows beyond the 48 port limit you only need to make it an ipoffice instead of an partner.
ACS IP Office or is it ACSS
ACA - Implement IP Telephony -- ACA - Design IP Telephony
ACA - Voice Services Management
Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
tlpeter is right, I think that the Partner mode is just an incentive for people to buy the IP500 and not replace the phones they have but unlike the Magix that could actually use the ETR phones without castrating the functionality the IP Office in Partner mode is nothing but a partner system for rack mounting.
I doubt that we will sell more then half a dozen in the first year, but I have known to be wrong so let's wait and see and put our faith into sales.
This information for the AVAYA "Partner Version" is available on the knowledgebase if you are interested. http:\\marketingtools.avaya.com\knowledgebase
. I had trouble getting on today, I would try again. The new software for the IP Office just went for "General Availability" or GA today. This new software upgrade for the IP Office has the option to program the "Partner Version" on the new IP 500V2. We shall see how well this sells here in the United States. I am sure if Sales are up, they will probably discontinue the ACS. If they only sell 300 units I am sure they will think twice before discontinuing their number one SMB product. I personally like the Partner ACS, it is very easy to install and maintain. Most of our issues with the Partner are dead hard drives in the Partner Messaging systems. It would be a shame to see it go away in its current form. If you want to take a look at the new software, you can download it here:
jinxs, i very strong believe in the ipo and i think the Partner will go away because then there is easier support and cheaper to make.
Running two different systems always have more costs.
In the beginning there will be problems because it is new but R5.0 was a great release and i think 6.0 will be even better.
Ofcourse you guys have to get used to it and do not like to change like everybody does.
But in the end you will be alright.
Westi does both systems and loves the ipoffice
ACS IP Office or is it ACSS
ACA - Implement IP Telephony -- ACA - Design IP Telephony
ACA - Voice Services Management
Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
I dont watch these boards as much as I should. My previous stateement was incorrect. After the Avaya webinar on the R6, my brain might have been confused fromt eh Avaya Partner services offering.....
Is it just me, or have all of the webinars in the past year, been lacking. I miss the days of being able to go to Chicago and have the TierIII guys give us these product releases.
I love the IP Office as well. I work on both systems, as well as all other classic AVAYA systems. I find that when I work on the IP Office with VM Pro there really isn't much that I cant do software wise. I can meet every customer need. On the other hand, the "Partner Version" is not the IP Office. I wish it would be more a step forward. The only benefits I can see so far is the availability to do remote access through VPN and I don't have to worry about lines and voicemail inhibiting my total station count. I just took a look at the voicemail auto attendant configuration. No submenus, no option to have a selector code go directy to a voicemail box, and no direct extension transfer (I may be wrong on that).
A step forward in my opinion would be Partner phones on an IP Office with Vm Pro, SCN, IP Phones, and a larger max extension count. That way when my Partner Customers are maxed out at 48 extensions I have an upgrade path for them where they don't have to purchase all new phones. Such as the Partner/Magix or how about Merlin Plus/System 25/System 75.
Over here we do not have the partner so i do not know how it works.
And i will be very honest, those ETR phones are very ugly!
If i would sell a partner system i would use the 1400 serie phones.
If they max out you only need new SD card.
ACS IP Office or is it ACSS
ACA - Implement IP Telephony -- ACA - Design IP Telephony
ACA - Voice Services Management
Women and cats can do as they please and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea!
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