I am attempting to create an RPG program which has SQL updates. I am not as familiar with RPG as I am with CL. But, I am told that SQL commands can't be run in CL's.
This is my RPG code so far:
C/Exec SQL
C+Execute Immediate Update opcus1/ym867h1 set ymvmd = 589
C+Where ymvnd =588 and ymdvsn = 'PLN'
I am getting an error at the bottom whcih is asking for a control level indicator. But, I am going according to IBM's documentation which says to put the / in postion 7.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is my RPG code so far:
C/Exec SQL
C+Execute Immediate Update opcus1/ym867h1 set ymvmd = 589
C+Where ymvnd =588 and ymdvsn = 'PLN'
I am getting an error at the bottom whcih is asking for a control level indicator. But, I am going according to IBM's documentation which says to put the / in postion 7.
Any help would be appreciated.