I have two different types of calls coming in and I want to use the same coverage path with x port station.
Basically local calls go to x6xxx with cov path 95. Coverage path 95 has four cov answer groups in order.
Toll free numbers need to go through the same route, but afterwards be directed to an off site toll free number. Toll free numbers point to a vdn which points to that same cov path... can I just put
route to x6xxxxx
route to off site toll free?
I want it to ring through the whole cov path and then go back to the vdn to go off site to the toll free.
Basically local calls go to x6xxx with cov path 95. Coverage path 95 has four cov answer groups in order.
Toll free numbers need to go through the same route, but afterwards be directed to an off site toll free number. Toll free numbers point to a vdn which points to that same cov path... can I just put
route to x6xxxxx
route to off site toll free?
I want it to ring through the whole cov path and then go back to the vdn to go off site to the toll free.