We have a problem getting http to work over our wan links. Ping works etc.. but http doesn't. This is the setup
scot birm telford
we have a cisco 1700 at telford and at birmingham, connected over lease line. also in the birmingham office we have a draytec 2600 connected to scotland via ADSL and VPN. Scotland also has a draytec 2600. we have enabled rip v1 on all routers and this seems to be fine I can ping scotland from telford and I can RDP machines in scotland. However when I try to connect to the draytec router in birmingham or scotland from telford nothing happens.
any ideas
We have a problem getting http to work over our wan links. Ping works etc.. but http doesn't. This is the setup
scot birm telford
we have a cisco 1700 at telford and at birmingham, connected over lease line. also in the birmingham office we have a draytec 2600 connected to scotland via ADSL and VPN. Scotland also has a draytec 2600. we have enabled rip v1 on all routers and this seems to be fine I can ping scotland from telford and I can RDP machines in scotland. However when I try to connect to the draytec router in birmingham or scotland from telford nothing happens.
any ideas