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Router won't connect

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May 12, 2002
Not sure where to post this, but here goes...

Tried to install a router to an existing dsl modem today and could not get it to work. The connection is Verison dhcp, and it works fine when the modem is connected directly to the computer, but when you put the router in the loop, the computer gets an ip address from the router, but can't connect to the internet. Can ping the router, but not a website. We tried 3 different computers and two brand new routers (1 linksys, 1 d-link) with the same results, so it's not the computers or the router as far as I can tell. What would make the modem work when connected directly, but not when going through a router? Modem is Fujitsu Speedport supplied by Verizon. any ideas welcome.

I have a router between my computer and my DSL modem. I had the same problem: I had Internet access with just the modem hooked onto the computer, but when I placed the router between the two, I couldn't get anywhere.

All I needed to do was configure my modem into being a bridge. After being walked through a step-by-step process of changing the modem over, the gal at the tech support office said, "...or you can just press the reset button for ten seconds on the back of the modem. Your particular modem is designed to go into bridge mode when there is a router present."

That sure was simple, and it worked! Hope you get yours working.



Blow the dust from your computer outside, it's mostly skin dust. A clean computer is a cool computer.

I am having the same issue today, and the common thing between your issue and mine seems to be the Fujitsu Speedport DSL modem and Verizon DSL.

Quick Summary of my issue:

I've been connecting multiple laptops and PCs in my home office for several years using Verizon DSL service, a Fujitsu Speedport modem and a wireless router (3 different brands, Netgear, LinkSys, and Belkin). This morning, my Internet access suddenly went away - with no configuration changes on my end. I checked the ip addresses that are assigned to my PCs and laptops and they are in the 192.168.59.x subnet. This is odd because the router is set up as a DHCP server to distribute 192.168.1.x addresses.

Bypassing the router and connecting directly to a machine is successful. Verizon tech support hid behind "the router must have died, we don't support Netgeat anyway". I have tried my LinkSys as well, same issue. The last suggestion (resetting the DSL modem) didn't help me.

I'd be interested in how you solved this issue, if you did at all, or suggestions from anyone else.
Plankton, we were never able to resolve the issue. I tried replacing the modem with the same model, spoofing the MAC address, nothing worked. If you come up with anything, please post back.
bygeek, I'll post if /when I get resolution. I've been meaning to move from DSL to the FIOS service, this may give me a good reason to so sooner rather than later.
bygeek and PlanktonKfx, I'm sure you've both already done this, but just in case:

Try resetting the router and modem at the same time, and see if they will sort of auto-configure together. Do a hard reset on both (if possible for them), and shut down pc, no power to anything all at same time. Then, turn on the modem, then router, then computer.

Another idea that I ran into on at least one occasion with DSL was that the user had to go to home.bellsouth.net - that's the main DSL provider in my area - before anything would work. So, I just checked, and start.verizon.net seems to be the same thing (home.verizon.net goes to the same page, as well).

I know that's got to be annoying.

One other possibility: On your computer, do you have any firewall enabled at all: Windows built-in firewall, ZoneAlarm, Norton, McAfee, etc? Sometimes software firewalls can have funny quirks cause them to disable internet access when things like routers are changed as well..
Sometimes an ISP captures your Hardware Address of your NIC card and you have to put that address into the router to masquarade as if it was your PC and then your ISP thinks that is your PC.

If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
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