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Mar 11, 2004

I am writing a rather lengthy procedure that generates a time sheet report, calculating, Lunch, regular and overtime.

Here is a snipet
Lunch=DateDiff(Mi,Cast(StartLunch as DateTime),Cast(EndLunch as DateTime))

However I need to format this time so that it rounds up to the nearest 1/4 hour. If it returns 8:35AM it has to return 8:45AM if its 8:20AM it rounds to 8:30AM.

I just need an expression that will format the time field to round up to the nearest 1/4 hour.
ooops got cut off there. Anyway, any help with this conversion will be greatly appreciated.

You'll have to extract the hour and minute values using datepart("mm",date) and datepart("hh",date).

To round to the nearest 15, use this calc:

(datepart("mm",date)+ 14)/15*15

you'll have to check when it goes to 60 so you can reset to zero and up the hour by 1.

"I think we're all Bozos on this bus!
Ok I am just not sure how to fit that into this expression. here is the code:

Regular = IsNull(	Case When Cast(Duration as DateTime)< Cast(Lunch as DateTime) Then '0:00' Else
			Case When DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))>480 
			Then '8:00' 
			Else Cast(DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))/60 as varchar(10)) + ':' +
			Case When  (DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))%60)<10 Then 
			'0' + Cast(DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))%60 as Varchar(10)) Else
			Cast(DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))%60 as Varchar(10))End End End,'*')

I am just not too clear how to format that expression into the 15 minute interval requirement as mentioned. Any ideas?
Is this in a cursor loop or a select statement? If it's within a cursor, then you could write a stored procedure or in-line calc to handle it. Because you want it rounded up, anything past :45 will have to adjust the hour and it could be done, but it will be ugly!

Another option would be to build a user-defined function. Check out the T-SQL help - that might be the best route to go.

"I think we're all Bozos on this bus!" - Firesign Theatre [jester]
Try this, you could put it in a function which accepts the time input and return the time to the next 15 minutes...
SET @myDate = '12 march 2004 12:46'
SET @myDate = DATEADD(MINUTE, (DATEPART(MINUTE, @myDate) + 14) / 15 * 15 - DATEPART(MINUTE,@myDate), @myDate)
SELECT @myDate

-- Gavin
Am I not thinking this through right Your adding 14 based on the fixed time of 12:46?? 12:46 + 14 minutes = 1:00

SET @myDate = DATEADD(MINUTE, (DATEPART(MINUTE, @myDate) + 14) / 15 * 15 - DATEPART(MINUTE,@myDate), @myDate)

Seems to me that I will need to grab the minutes then if its under 15 minutes we take 15 minus minutes and format that into a variable then use then plug that back into the equation.

We would have the a separate case for every 15 minute interval and if its above 45 minutes then it needs to also increment the hour.

Am I right here or wil that original equation work for everything??
Dogwatch, you are correct. This equation:

SET @myDate = DATEADD(MINUTE, (DATEPART(MINUTE, @myDate) + 14) / 15 * 15 - DATEPART(MINUTE,@myDate), @myDate)

will only work on a date, not a minute value.

If I understand correctly, you are trying to format a time value in minutes to display as hours:minutes with rounding at 15 minute intervals.

So 130 minutes would be 2:15. There is no date info involved.

I still think the best way is to create a function that will return the hour:minute format the way you want it. That way, you can drop 3 of the case statements - or even put the entire logic in the function and you wouldn't need the case statements at all.

"I think we're all Bozos on this bus!" - Firesign Theatre [jester]
Good news: Created a nice little stored procedure to convert input time into a perfectly formatted string returning the rounded value to the nearest 1/4 hour

Bad news: Have to work with a complicated nested select statement to pass the values in:

Not sure how to isolate the computed time of Regular and OT (Overtime) to my Stored Proc. any suggestions??

Select Regular = IsNull(Case When Cast(Duration as DateTime)< Cast(Lunch as DateTime) Then '0:00' Else Case When DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))>480 Then '8:00' Else Cast(DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))/60 as varchar(10)) + ':' + Case When (DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))%60)<10 Then '0' + Cast(DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))%60 as Varchar(10)) Else Cast(DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))%60 as Varchar(10))End End End,'*')

,OT= IsNull(Case When DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))>480 Then
Cast((DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))-480)/60 as varchar(10)) + ':' +
Case When ((DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))-480)%60) < 10 Then
'0' + Cast((DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))-480)%60 as varchar(10)) Else
Cast((DateDiff(Mi,Cast(Lunch as DateTime),Cast(Duration as DateTime))-480)%60 as varchar(10)) End
Select StartDay,StartLunch,EndLunch,EndDay

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