I am using crystal xi and am struggling to calculate a rolling 12 month average - I have searched the site but have not found anything that quite answers my question.
I am trying to chart the average number of bids submitted in a 12 month period compared to previous periods. For example when I run the report in January 08 I want to see:
Dec 2007 - 45 (i.e. 45 bids submitted 1/1/07 - 31/12/7)
Nov 2007 - 43 (i.e. 43 bids submitted 1/12/06 - 30/11/7)
Oct 2007 - 46 (i.e. 46 bids submitted 1/11/06 - 31/10/7)
Sept 2007 - 40 (i.e. 40 bids submitted 1/10/06 - 30/09/7)
etc. etc. for last 12 months.
I am having difficulty finding a way of calculating this in a way it can be charted.
My current plan is to create a formula for each month i.e. month 12, month 11 etc. and then creating a further formula that sums each formula depending on the current month, but this involves a lot of work where the dates cross year ends.
Any help would be much appreciated
I am using crystal xi and am struggling to calculate a rolling 12 month average - I have searched the site but have not found anything that quite answers my question.
I am trying to chart the average number of bids submitted in a 12 month period compared to previous periods. For example when I run the report in January 08 I want to see:
Dec 2007 - 45 (i.e. 45 bids submitted 1/1/07 - 31/12/7)
Nov 2007 - 43 (i.e. 43 bids submitted 1/12/06 - 30/11/7)
Oct 2007 - 46 (i.e. 46 bids submitted 1/11/06 - 31/10/7)
Sept 2007 - 40 (i.e. 40 bids submitted 1/10/06 - 30/09/7)
etc. etc. for last 12 months.
I am having difficulty finding a way of calculating this in a way it can be charted.
My current plan is to create a formula for each month i.e. month 12, month 11 etc. and then creating a further formula that sums each formula depending on the current month, but this involves a lot of work where the dates cross year ends.
Any help would be much appreciated