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Jun 20, 2003
Please help!! I have a client that continues to have a ring burst problem. Has a MICS system with Motorola cordless sets, we replaced the system and the ring bursts decreased but continue to happen. Anyone?
what are ring bursts.
what did you replace? What was the previous system?
Is it the cordless phones that are having the problem? How are they integrated with the system.
yes do tell

"There are those who would make you believe there are no choices left.That they have the last word and its final.To those who try the world is wide open choices many.To those who dont only death awaits you.
Thanks bkrike for showing some interest in my misery. Here are some comments from my client to hopefully give you a better idea what we have been facing:Ring burst is when you are on a phone and you
hear a ring or static ring in the time with the ring generation cycle.
we replaced the main ksu,the co modules and circut cards, the ata's,the
station cards, basically everything but the 16 station module it's self.
As per your records you will find that we replaced exactlly what the
customer had before. We did not replace the software because nobody in tech
support felt it was needed
The cordless phones are set up off of the digital ata that we purchased from
CVI as well.
Two of the cordless phones are ringing stations in one hunt group, the other
three are in a differant hunt group and aren't ringing stations on co lines.
All 5 units have experianced the ring burst static.
Additionally after each component change out and many hours of service
labor, the problem goes away for two weeks+- and then comes back
They are using the high in Motorola cordless phones, and they have replaced
one of the units with a spare and the problem continues.


I am still trying to get a handle on the problem.
Are you saying that when they are on an active call, they are hearing the sound that is made when you dial someone ( ?

If so, have you checked for cross-talk, and confirmed the incoming lines are good. Are these normal POTS lines?

Any time I have heard that problem it has been with the CO or cabling, not the system.
Another comment from my client regarding the ring bursts:

On an active call and another co line rings, you hear the ring burst.

Any other suggestions or ideas with this comment?


Could be that you have 2 intercom lines programmed for these cordless phones and its a second call ringing in on the second intercom. Also make sure that no CO lines are programmed to these phones leaveing only the hunt group to ring.
i agree with bkrike check the wiring. This sounds like a very simple problem to trouble shoot. Do you have a but set?
Hello again. My client replied with the following:We looked through the program yesterday and did the changes that you recommend for hunt group only ring etc;
about 1300.

The customer informed me that at around 1400 today the problem occured again.


Would anyone be interested in speaking with my client over the phone to ensure he is doing everything correctly on his end. I'm not sure where to go from here.

You have not replied to the help previously offered in any way that offers additional insight to the problem.

If this problem is hearing the ring generation cycle, while on an active call, I am 99% sure it has nothing to do with what Staticek recommended. (no offense statick)

If it is strictly on the cordless phones then it may just be bad cordless, or very likely, to many cordless phones. Most cordless phones are not designed to be in the same structure with other cordless phones. - If you are running multiple cordless, you need to make sure they are designed to work in a multi-cordless environment.
- what model are you running off of the ATA's?
- Have you confirmed from Motorola that you can use 5 units in the same building?
-Do you get this problem on the corded Nortel phones?

It sounds like crosstalk- but you have not confirmed or denied this. This is not a problem that can be solved over the phone. You need to go onsite and check the CO lines for cross talk- have you done that? Do you know how to check for cross-talk?
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