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Right-clicking on image on web only saves a .bmp

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Nov 17, 2003
Here is my problem:

I have been creating images (to be shared) on the web. These images are "icon" and "personal" images for web journals and web sites. However, I have discovered that when someone right-clicks on my images, the only option they have to save the image is a .bmp, no matter what the format of the image is otherwise.

I know that this is an issue with IE 6, however, I have eliminated IE 6 as the problem because

a) I followed all the requisite steps to fix the problem according to MS KB's on the subject

b) and, it is only *my* images; I can right-click on any images anywhere else on the 'net and those will give me the option to save them in their appropriate format

No, it's not my computer. The problem came to my attention when several people who tried to download the pictures (doing a right-click "save as" or by simply clicking on the IE pop-up menu) told me that they were only getting the option to save as a .bmp

Has anyone ever had this happen before?

Is there a solution?
Do you have a link to some of these images so we can see for ourselves what is happening?

What format are you saving the images as?

When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
Are you on a Mac? If so, are you adding the .jpg extension on the images when you save them, post them? Windoze PCs need to 'see' the extension, and if there is none, it may be defaulting to .bmp when saving. Just a wild guess, here.

When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
I have the same problem as you Mommygeek. But unlike you, I got two options that were available to me: ARTS AND BMP formats. Both are useless to me especially ARTS.

I know that the image that I was trying to copy use JPG format because of the URL address. But when I right clicked, it gave the above format extension.

The funny part is that, on one day, my right click gave me Jpg but on a rare occassion, it doesn't. The question is why? I used both IE and America Online.
I have had this problem before and followed all the instructions on Microsoft Knowledge base and partly solved it. Now I don't know if this is just an IE or an XP Pro thing but right now if I right click on a jpg image on the web I get the option of bmp or gif neither of which I want BUT if I click on save target as I do get the jpg format to save as so as long as that works I'm happy. I don't understand why the difference but it works.
Are these images on a password protected site? This is another Windoze annoyance, if you connect to the site via instead of
Another guess is that the users are using AOL? If they are using an AOL browser, it will compress graphics (causing AOL users to view you site differently than others, seeing lousy images, another rason to dump AOheLL), but since you mentioned IE, I suspect it is more an IE problem.

When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.

I, too, am researching this issue where IE "save as" for .gif only offers the .bmp format. What I'm trying to confirm is whether it's related to mod_gzip, as detailed in this article:

Would it be possible for someone to followup with their web hosting company to determine whether the suggested workaround actually resolves this issue.

Appreciate your feedback.
empty your cache in tools> options> delete files> check delete all offline content.
Cleaning those caches doesn't help. I clean my cach every 3days or once a week.

Anyhow, recently I just went to microsoft website and update or upgrade by downloading all those critical files in which my computer needs. And now, I don't have this problem anymore.

Well, hopefully it works for some of you as it does on mine. Good luck.
My Windows XP is up-to-date also, but no improvement. You mentioned IE now works fine. Can you provide a sample URL where, previously, you could not save a gif - but now you can?

Unable to obtain system info on the lycos server other than: members.lycos.co.uk is running Apache/1.3.28 (Unix) on Linux. I was hoping to see the version of mod_gzip. Our web host uses Apache 1.3.27, perhaps 1.3.28 resolves the image compression problem. Thanks Rumble101.

Aikodude, the article from Microsoft was tested, but still no improvement. Thanks.

do you have compressed graphics checked in ie's advanced> prefrences? uncheck it.
Hi aikodude,
I'm using IE6 XP-SP2 and don't see that option.

tools> internet options> advanced> multimedia> smart image dithering. They changed the name! :) sorry bout that. once that's off, empty cache again. delete all content. delete all objects. exit ie and restart.

good luck!
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