No, there's no menu editor equivalent, but you don't need it. You just need to edit the properties of the shortcut menu items.
Shortcut menus are a bit pecular, unlike menu bars and toolbars. To edit them, you first have to make them visible. To do this, first choose View>Toolbars>Customize... from the menu. On the Toolbars tab, set the check mark by Shortcut Menus. A menu bar named Shortcut Menus appears. The last entry on this menu bar is Custom. When you click on this item, a submenu appears. The submenu items are your custom shortcut menus.
Click the shortcut menu you want to modify. The items on that menu appear as a submenu of the shortcut submenu. Right click on an item, and choose Properties. This will give you a dialog named <shortcut menu name> Control Properties. You can change the On Action property to replace the macro with a function call.
According to the help file, you're supposed to code the On Action property with a function call like this:
However, Access 97 has a bug that causes this to fail on and off. Microsoft's workaround is to code it as if it were a macro name: FunctionName
The function name must be a Function (not a Sub) procedure, and must be defined as Public in a standard module.
Rick Sprague
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