I my database I have used a Richtext control when inputting data. This has been done so that I cut have different font etc. in the same field.
Now when I'm making a report I need to use the function "can grow" but can't find it for the Richtext control ?. Instead i try to use a a standard text box control, but then I get formatting problems - it seems that it prints all characters, also the ones used for the formating :
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}}
\deflang1030\pard\plain\f2\fs17 9/4/00 10:46:42 AM Keld Nygaard : - Created
\par Product: SaSMS
\par Operating system: NT4.0, Service Pack: 5
\par Problem :
\par This is the txt I'm interested in.
\par More txt
\par And even more txt
Can someone give a solution ??
Now when I'm making a report I need to use the function "can grow" but can't find it for the Richtext control ?. Instead i try to use a a standard text box control, but then I get formatting problems - it seems that it prints all characters, also the ones used for the formating :
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}}
\deflang1030\pard\plain\f2\fs17 9/4/00 10:46:42 AM Keld Nygaard : - Created
\par Product: SaSMS
\par Operating system: NT4.0, Service Pack: 5
\par Problem :
\par This is the txt I'm interested in.
\par More txt
\par And even more txt
Can someone give a solution ??