I'm using CR 8.5
I have 5 report footers in play here (RFa, b, c, d, and e. Any or all of the first 4 may print or not print in the main report if various conditions in the main report are true or false. On the 5th RF a subreport prints and is the last thing in the report to print and it always prints. I want to have the page number reset only before the sub-report (RFe) prints.
The trouble I'm having is that the reset page number condition may never get evaulated based on where RFa, b, c, or d prints or not.
RFa, b, c, and d always print in the main report.
RFa May or may not print based on conditions
RFb May or may not print......
RFc May or may not print......
RFd May or may not print......
RFe Is a sub-report and will always print. Page number should reset before and only before this prints.
What statement to I write to make sure the last RF has been tested before the page number is reset for RFe?
(I hope I explained this clearly, re-wrote is several times)
I have 5 report footers in play here (RFa, b, c, d, and e. Any or all of the first 4 may print or not print in the main report if various conditions in the main report are true or false. On the 5th RF a subreport prints and is the last thing in the report to print and it always prints. I want to have the page number reset only before the sub-report (RFe) prints.
The trouble I'm having is that the reset page number condition may never get evaulated based on where RFa, b, c, or d prints or not.
RFa, b, c, and d always print in the main report.
RFa May or may not print based on conditions
RFb May or may not print......
RFc May or may not print......
RFd May or may not print......
RFe Is a sub-report and will always print. Page number should reset before and only before this prints.
What statement to I write to make sure the last RF has been tested before the page number is reset for RFe?
(I hope I explained this clearly, re-wrote is several times)