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RFID or Bar code

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Mar 18, 2003
If you were given the choice all over again, would you go for RFID or Bar code? Why?


Uncle Sam

In that order

Do you want the cost justification?????
I cannot send you the cost documents however I can tell you the math we used. We installed a Bar-Code system in all 27 of our plants and now we have to go to RFID for Wal-Mart as we are a top 100 supplier. RFID eliminates a lot of labor. Granted this is soft money seen in reduced work by forklift drivers, loaders, QA personnel and office personnel. Safety was also a seller. Having forklift drivers on and off many times a day reduces you safety adherence. It just depends on your culture and if soft savings are acceptable. Bar Code 2.8 million startup 1.1 million annually, RFID 3.4 million startup 400 annually.

David McDonald

RFID isn't a miracle, and if not set correctly, it won't give you more than a bar-code. Most people right now, do not understand all the potential rfid can have, and they still want it or use it like a bar-code system where you do not have to have a line of sight. But rfid is lot more than this.

If you implement it correclty, you could have a 100% read (it's easier to accomplish it than barcode).
You will be saving way more in the long run with rfid than with barcode depending on your system.
All the systems we devellop are giving feedback money right now and no systems will take more than 2 years (usually 1) to pay itself just by cost saving.

There is 10 types of people in this world :
Those who understand binary
and those who don't.
What type of hardware are you using to get 100% (Brand, tag and reader). How many in series do you have? What is the product and the pack type(pallet, case, item)? We are doing pallet with Symbol and it is still a nogo.
DaveMac : I can't tell you wich one, cause we are using more than one companies products. And it's always depends on wich application you need, that's why. I would need to know more about it, also I am not an RFID engineer, I am not the one deciding on those, we have special consultant for this. I am the one in charge of coding the applications or giving information to the programmers on how to implement what they want to do.

But the one, in my opinion, that work the best are the ones from scs corp. Impj is looking good too.

You probably already know that all the tags and reader wich are supposly epc compliant, do not work togethers. A tag from one company, and a reader from another one won't work together.
That's why there is epc gen2. Even if I haven't been able to test and use it yet, from the specification etc... that I have seen from it, there will be a lot and a lot of problem. A lot of application problem will come when they will try to install those, I can tell you.

If you would like to talk more on this with me, you should send me an email or something (if private message exist here) so we could talk more. And I could may be help you in some way for your applications.

There is 10 types of people in this world :
Those who understand binary
and those who don't.
DaveMac : I am sorry to have comeback to you sooner, I have been working on many projects at the same time, all starting now, or starting in 1 months, so I need to prepare everything for everyone so they are up to it when it's come.

what I wanted to say is wich products have you tested ? Have you only tested Symbol ? Symbol RFID technology is matrics, wich is one of the worst in the world. They are a huge companies, but their technology is not there, they have a huge marketing departement, and that's it's. That's how this company make the sales. They are using a anti-collision technology that isn't the best, so it's only work for one item at a time. But if you are doing what Wall-Mart is doing, that mean going for one pallet at a time, it should work. But if you are trying to identify box or other items on the pallett, it's a big no-no.

I hope this will help you ! If you would like to discuss about this with me, please contact me via email or something.

There is 10 types of people in this world :
Those who understand binary
and those who don't.
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