I reverse engineered a database and I need to produce some update scripts. My problem is, when I go to produce the update/generate - VISIO does an error check and produces physical errors stating "The user defined type name is a reserved word in the target DBMS" for 13 different data types (eg: char, nchar, timestamp, int, etc.). My target DBMS is SQL Server - and that is where the reverse engineered database came from.
I've tried 3 things to get the errors to stop:
1. Deleted the types listed in the error messages in the Types window (Database->View->Types)
I re-ran error check and received a few hundred error messages b/c the data types that were associated w/the deleted types had been pre-configured and now were showing to be generic types (eg: a column might have been a char(26) and deleting the type changed it to a char(8000) therefore creating too long of an index)
2. Removed the types listed in the error messages by going to Database->User-Defined Types and removing the types showing in the error messages.
The results were the same as in #1 listed above
3. Lastly I tried to Rename the types by going through Database->User-Defined Types and my results were pretty much the same as #1, but when viewing the Columns properties of a table the renamed data type showed but it changed the PHYSICAL data type (say I renamed char to chars)what should be chars(26) as char(8000). So received same errors when running new error check as #1 above.
Hope that wasn't too confusing. My main problem is that this database's data types are important to each column and what size each field should be. I need the data types it reverse engineered w/the model - so why does Visio have such a problem w/this? I can't do anything w/the model until I fix these error messages - but I'm at a dead end on how to proceed. Any advice?
I've tried 3 things to get the errors to stop:
1. Deleted the types listed in the error messages in the Types window (Database->View->Types)
I re-ran error check and received a few hundred error messages b/c the data types that were associated w/the deleted types had been pre-configured and now were showing to be generic types (eg: a column might have been a char(26) and deleting the type changed it to a char(8000) therefore creating too long of an index)
2. Removed the types listed in the error messages by going to Database->User-Defined Types and removing the types showing in the error messages.
The results were the same as in #1 listed above
3. Lastly I tried to Rename the types by going through Database->User-Defined Types and my results were pretty much the same as #1, but when viewing the Columns properties of a table the renamed data type showed but it changed the PHYSICAL data type (say I renamed char to chars)what should be chars(26) as char(8000). So received same errors when running new error check as #1 above.
Hope that wasn't too confusing. My main problem is that this database's data types are important to each column and what size each field should be. I need the data types it reverse engineered w/the model - so why does Visio have such a problem w/this? I can't do anything w/the model until I fix these error messages - but I'm at a dead end on how to proceed. Any advice?