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Retrieve Value of MinimumPasswordLength/Max Age

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Aug 2, 2002
Writting a small security app (VB6) to run against several xp/2k/2k3 machines, currently retrieves patches, users, shares, and specific running apps.

Would like to retrieve and display the MinimumPasswordLength and MaximumPasswordAge.

I can manually get them of course using secpol.msc, but cannot figure quick way to get the local settings and display them in a listview/listbox.

Assistance to atleast send me in the right direction..
Figured it out, just in case any one else may need it..

** reference the Active DS Type library...
Dim owinnt As ActiveDs.IADs
Dim age_max As Long
Dim age_pwd As Long
Dim date_expi As String
Dim MinLength As Long
Dim Compname as String
Dim User as String

Compname = "<Computername>"
User = "<username>"

     On Error Resume Next
    Set owinnt = CreateObject("WinNT://" & Compname & "/" & User)
    If Err = 429 Then
        ' login inexistant
        MsgBox "The login " & User & " Does not exist in the Domain: " & strcomputer, vbCritical, "LOGIN INCONNU"
        On Error GoTo 0
        ' Possible Properties are: LoginHours, Description, LoginScript, FullName, AccountExpirationDate
        ' BadPasswordAttempts, HomeDirDrive, HomeDirectory, LastLogin, LastLogoff, PasswordHistoryLength, LoginWorkstations
        ' MaxLogins, MaxPasswordAge, MaxStorage, MinPasswordAge, MinPasswordLength, PasswordAge, PasswordExpired
        On Error GoTo 0
        age_max = CLng(owinnt.Get("MaxPasswordAge")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ' Period of Validity of the password
        MinLength = CLng(owinnt.Get("minPasswordLength"))
  MsgBox "Maximum Password Age has been set to: " & age_max
  MsgBox "Mininum Password Length has been set to: " & MinLength
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