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Results of Excel export in 9 not the same as 8.5 1

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Technical User
Jan 10, 2002
I have a client that is trying to export a report from Crystal 9 to Excel 97 (not the Data Only option). The export works fine but when she opens up the spreadsheet, there are not gridlines and extra columns are inserted between columns that contain data. This was never a problem for her in version 8.5.

When she does use the data only option for the export, she gets the gridlines in the spreadsheet but she loses some Crystal formatting.

Is there a "middle of the road" solution or are we missing setting some options somewhere.

Crystal has changed the export formats in version 9. I have a similar problem with both MS Word and MS Excel.

When we were using v 8.5 the export to Word would create and editable Word document. Now everything is exported to text frames and editing the document is not easy for the end user.

We also have users that used to export to Excel to do additional analysis. I now have to write code and export directly from the database. I have complained to Crystal over and over again with no satisfaction. I have also complained to several VARs who have said they were going to try and help and have accomplished nothing. This has been going on with me for about 18 months.

Good luck with your problem and please post if you get an answer or a viable work around for the end user!
Thanks for the reply. The best thing I'vew found recently is to attend a Crystal User Group in your area. They always have a rep attend and often they can expedite resolutions to these problems.
Hey guys,

Along the lines of the same question, is there anybody who could do a fix like the following. My question is working with crystal 9 the export to excel is not the same as crystal 8. I see that in this problem mmwdmr is having the problem with 8.5. I just want to know does anybody know how to include the export functioning of 8 into 9. Is there some dll that handles all this. Could I copy this to the 9 directory and not have this problem. I am just thinking out loud. I'm not sure if this is possible. This could also work for mmwdmr's problem. Thanks everyone.

I have tried this. Crystal 9 uses a different set of dlls than previous versions to handle exporting. I have taken the version 8.5 dll that worked just fine and changed the name to the version 9 name. It just causes Crystal 9 to crash.
Thanks gtwood,

So I guess there is nothing we can do. Crystal is becoming a pain in the rear. We upgraded to the advanced version of 9 because of number of simultaneous users allowed and now I find that exporting is a problem. Well I think our company will make the switch to sql reporting services. They just lost a good account. Thanks gtwood.
If you're having problems with gaps, try bringing your fields together so they touch. The gap between fields is what causes the extra columns.


"I do not have to forgive my enemies. I have had them all shot."
- Ramon Maria Narvaez
Actually RealityCheque,

It's not the gaps that I am having problems with it's the ability for the user to do what he/she was doing with crystal reports 8. When the user exported the report to excel, it aligned the report perfectly into columns so that all the user had to do was cut or copy a column and paste it into another spreadsheet(since this is what they are doing in my company). Now they can;t do this because one field takes up 4 columns, the headings are placed in one column while the details of the field is placed in another. So what I am saying is the simplicity of manipulating the data further from excel has become a headache to the user. Thanks for your response though. I have read the whitepaper that crystal provided but my first question would be why the hell did they change it in the first place. Anyways thanks again.
I too am having problems getting a suitable export into Excel; all I require is that the gridlines are visible !

Regarding the issue with multiple columns ie: the headings are placed in one column while the details of the field is placed in another".

I have recently spent many hours trying to format reports and have managed to work round the problem.

Firstly, I always ensure I have the "guidlines" option ticked, found within file/options.

Secondly, I alwyas ensure that not a single field crosses over one of the guidelines, for example, you will have to make sure any fields with the report header are the same size as the fields in the details section.

This seems to work
We have the same issues regarding export to excel from crystal9 (formatting)

Does anyone know the whitepaper location on the seagate website?


where do i find the upgraded dll's if they are availible?
I find it easier to export my data in CSV output format with no user complaints when they bring it up in excel.

Just picking up on the second tread from gtwood about Exporting to Word... I've just seen that Ver XI has made the exporting to word/rtf 'editable' instead of text boxes.
However it still wasn't quite WYSIWYG as I saw numbers right justified instead of left justified, and background colours not exported.
There is a link on the BO site that list what exported and whats not with the various formats.
Just do a search for Export Formats on technical papers only as there is a lot of other info there.

I'm not a v9 expert but when exporting to Excel, specify the column width is based on the details section, not the default of the whole report and see if that helps.

As far as gridlines, there is a lame solution posted on the BO support to export using data only or just go into the Excel sheet and trun gridlines on.. Tool, Options, View Tab, Windows options Gridlines.

I have found this on the website (Seagate)

this has some registry info. and a patch to download.


For Crystal Reports 9, the latest update for this issue is available at the following location:


This issue is addressed in the following components (and later versions):

Crxf_xls.dll, version, dated 8/27/2004
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