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Restrict ALL outbound calls except to one number

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Technical User
Mar 15, 2005
Hello, please throw suggestions at me- I'm going batty.
I have mutlitudes of restricted sets (station-to-station calls only) that need access to one toll free number for the HelpDesk.

What I Have Already Tried:
Changed the Calling Party Restriction on the COR from OUTBOUND to ALL-TOLL, added an Unrestricted Call list containing the toll free number, added a Restricted Call list containing local pre-fixes to block them.

Why That Does Not Work:
You can probably see where this is going, this facility is on the OR/ID border, there are zillions of pre-fixes, I cannot possibly keep up with all of them, and my users are actively trying to thwart my efforts.

All suggestions are appreciated and valued.


Create a remote call coverage entry (cha cov rem 1) and put your toll free number help desk number here. Enter the number exactly as it would be dialed (918005551234).

Create a new coverage path, set it to one ring, and put your remote coverage entry as point 1. The entry will be a lower-case "r" followed by the number of the line on the remote call coverage table that you entered your toll-free number on.

Last but not least, create an x-port station and give it the new coverage path you just created.

Your stations that have the restricted COR, allowing them to dial internal numbers only, will be able to dial this new x-port extension, and it will route the call to the toll-free number. Just inform your users that when they need to call the toll-free help desk, they will now dial extension 1234 instead of 1-800-555-1234.

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. "
- Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
Hold on - that works for our internal only stations, but on our COR the Calling Party restriction is None, and the FRL is 0. This allows internal calls, but not outbound calls. Won't work for you if you don't allow internal outbound calls. Let me think a little more.....

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. "
- Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
Try putting it in as a system or group abbreiviated dial. It seems to be working on a test I set up.

Can't you do this with Time-of-day (TOD) on the COR? If you use partition-route-table (PRT) 7 or 8. Just assign the COR with that particular PRT.

Then add your specific 800# to route over the PRT.

Will that work?


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. ARISTOTLE 384-322 B.C.
DonBott, I did try the group abbreviated dial list; however, my tester (I'm off site) gets a waveoff as soon as he dials a 9. How can we get around this?
We have #9 as the FAC to get to system abb. dial list. What do you use?
Duh! Thanks, DonBott..I left off part of the instructions for my tester, namely "Dial #9". Okie-dokie, we're going to have another go...
We use FEC #9 to access system abb. dial. What do you use?

Sorry, I think my post disappeared.
My tester says he is getting a dial tone after entering the code, then the dial code doesn't work. Are we missing something??
I'm having a tester at another site try the same deal just in case:)

Are they using all the digits of the dial code? If the number is in position 1 you have to use 01.

Oh dear, we must very FAC-challenged. :(
It just doesn't seem to work, they are getting a waveoff. You say you have tested it? Can you please tell me what your COR values are?
I wonder if I'm missing a setting...
I gave my desk phone a COR with calling party restriction -Outward and wasn't able to make a call directly, but was able to dial the systems speed dial no problem.

The FRL is 7 (I just tried it FRL 0 no problem),called party restriction none, calling permissions are set to no except for COR 23 . Other than the FRL of 7 that's pretty restrictive.

Maybe someone else out there sees what we're missing.

I'm done for the day, will check again in the morning.

Good luck


Jeez! Thanks for your suggestions, donbott, (I tried them all) but this just isn't working. :|
I'm heading out to a local facility with a Definity (I'm not on one, so can't test here) to see what I can do.
If I figure out what the prob is, I'll report back.
Try adding the 800 number to the ars analysis table to lets say route 255. Then create route 255 with the local trunks and a frl of 0.

1a2 to ip I seen it all
I may have something thats works for you. Setup your 1-800 number as a inside only number. Have a coverage remote set (ch coverage remote) up on this number and be sure to include the (9) or whatever your ars is looking for. (It should look something like 01. 918002422121) add a coverage path for the extension you set up and put in (r1) or again whatever the remote coverage paths number is. I think if you play with this a little you can get what you are after.

Thanks 1a22ip & mikeydidit, I'll have a go at this afternoon.
create a aar number, then create a route patern and then select the trunk, frl and put missing number in the inserted digits space.

e.g 1800 335 445

- so the aar number will be something like 445.
- route patern can be any number and then choose ur frl=0 and select ur out going trunk group.
-then in inserted digits put in your full 1800 number like 1800335
Back to donbots idea about setting it up in a speed dial list. Make sure that privledged is set y on the list.
I tried creating a route pattern, added the number to ARS table, gave it FRL=0, didn't work.
The only thing that has worked so far is an off-site vector, so we are using that.
I will check the priviliged setting on the dial list, however.
Thanks for all the suggestions and support.
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