I am running SBS 2003, I have 5 client computers and about 20 user names. There are 3 computers that I do not want the majoirty of users to use. Is there a way I can block access to their user name so they wont be able to logon?
you could go to those specific pc's and deny access to the groups that you do not want to access those pc's one way is to go to te gpo of that pc and do it or the gpo on the server
Yes, create a group containing those users. Good job on the research, keep it up. You can deny that group access at the workstations in question, probably the easiest way, but I've never needed to do exactly that task.
The best way to learn is roll up your sleeves and dig in. One caveat I learned early on (I am a user like yourself)...is not to try and circumvent the Wizards in SBS. Use them whenever possible, they are your friend.
"...an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind" - M.L. King
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