DB2 7.2 FixPak11, Windows 2K server
I received the following warning after restoring a backup image of one database to another:
"SQL2540W Restore is successful, however a warning "2528" was encountered during Database Restore while processing in No Interrupt mode."
I haven't been able to find any info regarding this warning "2528". I was hoping someone out there might be able to shed some light on this for me. Thanks in advance
Here is my original restore command:
"restore database RPMITEST user db2admin using <password> from D:\DB2\BACKUPS taken at 20050912170215 to D: into NEWTEST with 2 buffers buffer 1024 without rolling forward without prompting"
I received the following warning after restoring a backup image of one database to another:
"SQL2540W Restore is successful, however a warning "2528" was encountered during Database Restore while processing in No Interrupt mode."
I haven't been able to find any info regarding this warning "2528". I was hoping someone out there might be able to shed some light on this for me. Thanks in advance
Here is my original restore command:
"restore database RPMITEST user db2admin using <password> from D:\DB2\BACKUPS taken at 20050912170215 to D: into NEWTEST with 2 buffers buffer 1024 without rolling forward without prompting"