Why not just use an inserted running total? Select count of any recurring field, reset on change of group. Place the running total in the group footer.
If for some reason you need the manual method, you need three formulas:
//{@reset} to be placed in the group header:
numbervar cnt;
if not inrepeatedgroupheader then
cnt := 0;
//{@accum} to be placed in the detail section:
numbervar cnt := cnt + 1;
//{@display} to be placed in the group footer:
numbervar cnt;
dmc: You specifically stated that LB use a variable here, why?
In future posts why not include technical information and requirements, rather than demand a certain architecture be used.
Just insert a Running Total andselect reset for each group if you just need counts in a group. You can add criteria to the Evaluate Use a Formula if it's conditional.
What formulas did you use to set up the laggeds in the report footer? If you used variables to do this, you would just create an additional variable with a different name where you reset it in the service category group header, as in my previous example.
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