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Requesting Data Error 2

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Feb 18, 2003
I currently have 5 locations all separated by T1 links, 4 of these locations have their own exchange server all of which exist in the same site.

A few months ago we needed to replace the mail server hardware in our central site as well as rename the server, so instead of forklifting the mailboxes I created a new server in the site. I moved the primary server role from the old to the new and then moved all the mailboxes using the TOOLS / MOVE MAILBOX command from Exchange admin.

Since that time, all the users in our 5th location (which previously didn't have their own Exchange box) started getting the "Requesting Data" popup in Outlook whenever they did anything.

Initially we thought it might be a client issue, so we completely removed and re-created the mail profiles on each user's workstation but the problem remained. In addition, any new users setup on the server have the same problem.

To help remedy this we decided to install an Exchange server at that location and move all their mailboxes from the primary site to their office, thinking it might be because their exchange box wasn't local.

After doing so we still get the "Requesting Data" box at a majority of the workstations. And their mail server is now on the same LAN.

Next I shelled out $250 to Microsoft, and their only solution was to make a registry change to the workstations so the box doesn't appear, and they blame the network.

To rule this out I have tried taking a new Cisco 3550 and connecting only the mail server, a BDC and a client PC and the same problem occurs.

I have tried defragmenting the store and still no luck.

Help please, I am out of hair.
I have been having this problem for a long time. I have outlook 97 , 2000, and XP clients. All are on the same network segment. The physical server is not the problem as we have no performance issues with using it as a place to do our network installs from, network bandwidth isn't an issue either. The problem is only with attachments that haven't been referenced recently. If I open a message from yesterday I get the requesting data message, if I open same message 15 minutes later, bang! it opens immediately with no message. I just did a defrag over the weekend and no change. what the hell?
We are also having the issue. We are running Windows 2000 SP4, Exchange 5.5 SP4 multi site organization, problem getting worse and worse.

We tried this but It didnt help out much.

we have also tried changing the scanning options for groupshield. Nothing.

Any more ideas anyone?
I tried the MS fix ([LN];Q264731) to no avail. It has even gotten worse over the last few days.
We are preping for an upgrade to exchange 2000 but we are going to have to hold off as if this problem also exists in 2000, then I am dead....
We are in the process of making all of our users get their mailboxes below 100meg each (very painful expecially for our CEO & other big chairs) to see if that helps, but after all but one large mailbox shrunk, it is still very bad.
We have a fix here!!!!!
kjetilm's post seems to have stopped our requesting problem, so far. We remove vapi and went with mapi only and it's gone. It took alittle while but it's seemed to clear up. The sweet thing is that we didn't have to reboot to try it. I pasted the post below.

kjetilm (IS/IT--Manageme) Nov 4, 2003
We have Symantec AV for Exchange v 2.17 on all our Exchange-servers including my problem server.

Turns out the problem server was configured as mapi/vapi combination mode(recomended from Symantec). As we have had som trouble with this previously I changed it to MAPI only mode.

This seemed to do the trick! No more "Requesting data from Microsoft Exchange Server" ....

We have the same issues with requesting data but are not using Symantec for exchange. We use Sybari Antigen for Exchange with only mapi turned on(no vapi).....
Darn it!
I wonder what would happen if you turned on VAPI?
Have you tried it with VAPI before?

We are getting ready for exchange 2k as well. I was wondering if it would have cleared up the problem or not. Let me know when you decide to upgrade.

Okay, I'm happy to report that I've finally figured my "Requesting Data from the Exchange Server" problem. The culprit, Norton Anti-Virus for Exchange 5.5. The solution, enable "Scan attachments in store in the background", and change the value for "Exchange client retry delay (milliseconds)" from 5000 to 10,000. Those two simple little adjustments fixed this problem which has been dogging me 3 months now.
I sure that this message can be brought up by a myriad of different environmental conditions, but for my particular config (Exchange 5.5 running Norton Anti-Virus for Exchange on Win2K server in a NT 4.0 domain), this absoloutly did the trick.
Now I can get on with my life.
Ok I was reading some other post out there. Isn't VAPI what is used to do those scans?

I glad you brought that up. One of the previous posters said that changed his NAVMSE from VAPI to MAPI mode, and that fixed the problem. I called Symantec, and that basically said that I shouldn't run in MAPI mode, that's it too insecure. I'm not sure how valid that is, but that's what they said, so I didn't change our current config, which is the MAPI\VAPI mode.
That was me. We went to MAPI only mode and cleared the problem. We have Symantec on all our local pc as well. I thought that we would be double covered and felt it was ok to turn it off. It sounds like I need to turn it back on and adjust this setting.


Where did you cahneg the setting for Exchnage client retry??? We are not running norton, but Groupsheild.
"Where did you cahneg the setting for Exchnage client retry??? We are not running norton, but Groupsheild."

I changed that value in the web based admin console for NAVMSE. I don't know if that somehow changes a registry value or not. You will probably need to call MacAfee to see if they have a similar setting somewhere.
I know I'm getting in on this thread late, but I have experienced the same problems recently. The odd thing is, it is only affecting my Windows XP machines.

The odd thing is, when the window pops up, it is referencing our old exchange server and not the current machine. We are not running a WINS server but I do have Norton for Exchange running and also on the desktops. I'll give the various settings a tweak.

If anyone has had this affect only specific machines I would like to hear about it.

Many Thanks.

I have been following this thread for a few weeks, and have noted/applied a few of the listed fixes...I have recently found one which seems to work.

Clients: OS = XP SP1
Exch Server: OS = 2000 Server SP4

I too am having the pop-up reference an old exchange server and not the current exchange server. We are not running a WINS server either. I do have Norton for Exchange running. I was running AVG on the server (uninstalled w/ no change). I am running AVG on the clients (also, uninstalled w/ no change).

I have applied a Microsoft fix to 4 of 200 clinets. All 4 clients appear to be resolved (fix applied 16 hours ago). I am planning to apply this fix throughout, but would like to see if you have the same results.

Check out:
Well...we're experiencing this too.

However, we differ a LOT from many people here:

Compaq Proliant server
180 GB Raid 5
Win2k, latest service pack
Exchange 5.5, latest service pack

NO change to server hardware, operating system or Exchange. NO Antivirus or other Exchange add-ns running on the box at all. 200 or so mailboxes for the past couple years.

We DID begin rolling out new Outlook 2002 clients running XP on new Dell Optiplex machines. They are the only ones receiving this error. Also, reports of email opening, etc as being incredibly slow (3 minutes plus).

So...seems like it's pointing towards Outlook 2002 interacting with Exchange itself, no?
J9thomp -

Thanks for the direction to that article. I have updated 3 register entries today and I'll give you some feedback on how they are working tomorrow.

The slowness is what is killing us. We only have 6 XP users running Outlook 2002 and the slowness of opening and sending email is driving them crazy.

I'll post back tomorrow and let you know how the change worked and if there is any difference.

Thanks Again....
To follow up from my message of last night. I put the register changes in on 3 of the 6 XP computers and I'm happy to say that we haven't had those annoying "Request" boxes at all today.

But, we are still (XP Users only) experiencing very slow speeds in Outlook 2002. The odd thing is, it doesn't happen all the time. One time it goes fast, the next it is super slow.

Ok - So I finally figured out the fix and haven't had any more problems with Exchange / Outlook / Slowness since I put it in place yesterday.

For those of you who are having problems and are running Norton with real file protection, make sure that you disable the scanning of your exchange folders. This is where my problems where.

I'm running Norton for Exchange Server plus the desktop clients. On the desktop client if you have real file protection enabled and you do not set exclusions it will try to scan your Exchange store each time a new message arrives. Once I set the exclusion in my Desktop client protection and just let Norton for Exchange handle Exchange email, everything is back up and running and the speed it should be.

Hope this helps anyone who was also having problems.

Have a great day.
We have had this messasge problem. It's been driving us crazy for a week. We are running our business users on XP over a netgear wireless network. Developers run on Linux over ethernet.

we solved our problem - it was the power supply to the Netgear ME102 Access Point. Wirless network wasnt transmitting packets so outlook did its MS type thing. Found problem by chance. Many, many man days lost - biz and dev sides.

It confirmed my impression that the problem seems to be caused by very many different things. we are removing exchange and moving to send mail on linux anyway.
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