Can I ask please if the following makes sense?
I have an email form designed in Flash with the following fields:
Name (fullname) Email (email) Country (country), and Message (message).
From what I can gather, I need to use Request.QueryString to 'pull' the form field data from Flash so it can be stored in the MS Access database.
I am not sure about the following:
strfullname = Request.QueryString("fullname")
strFrom = Request.QueryString("email")
strCountry = Request.QueryString("country")
strMessage = Request.QueryString("message")
and thought I could just use the following instead:
fullname = Request.QueryString("fullname")
email = Request.QueryString("email")
country = Request.QueryString("country")
message = Request.QueryString("message")
Here is the aforementioned script, anyway:
' Declare variables
Dim fullname, email, country, message, strfullname, strFrom, strCountry, strMessage
strfullname = Request.QueryString("fullname")
strFrom = Request.QueryString("email")
strCountry = Request.QueryString("country")
strMessage = Request.QueryString("message")
'Open MS Access database, store form field values, and close
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\business\Flash.mdb;"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
SQL="INSERT INTO users (fullname, email, country, message) VALUES ('" & _
fullname & "', '" & email & "', '" & country & "', '" & message & "')"
rs.Open SQL, conn
Set rs=Nothing
Set conn=Nothing
Many thanks
Can I ask please if the following makes sense?
I have an email form designed in Flash with the following fields:
Name (fullname) Email (email) Country (country), and Message (message).
From what I can gather, I need to use Request.QueryString to 'pull' the form field data from Flash so it can be stored in the MS Access database.
I am not sure about the following:
strfullname = Request.QueryString("fullname")
strFrom = Request.QueryString("email")
strCountry = Request.QueryString("country")
strMessage = Request.QueryString("message")
and thought I could just use the following instead:
fullname = Request.QueryString("fullname")
email = Request.QueryString("email")
country = Request.QueryString("country")
message = Request.QueryString("message")
Here is the aforementioned script, anyway:
' Declare variables
Dim fullname, email, country, message, strfullname, strFrom, strCountry, strMessage
strfullname = Request.QueryString("fullname")
strFrom = Request.QueryString("email")
strCountry = Request.QueryString("country")
strMessage = Request.QueryString("message")
'Open MS Access database, store form field values, and close
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\business\Flash.mdb;"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
SQL="INSERT INTO users (fullname, email, country, message) VALUES ('" & _
fullname & "', '" & email & "', '" & country & "', '" & message & "')"
rs.Open SQL, conn
Set rs=Nothing
Set conn=Nothing
Many thanks