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requery subform data update problem

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Jul 18, 2003
I have a procedure that makes a call to check to see if there is a record with a nz(ClientDateInvoice) <> 0 and nz(ClientInvoiceNumber) <> 0 it then sets a flag bolMultiInvoice.

The problem is that I'm on a subform continuous forms on the Form_AfterUpdate event i change data on a record and then want to check to see if there is a recored that contains both an invoice number and invoice date and set the flag to do something else - code below. If i requery the recordset i lose the record position. I seem to have to move the focus to two records before the flag kicks in. A timing data update issue any suggestions.

this works but i lose the record focus
'Dim strsql As String
'strsql = "qselSubMultiInvoice"
'Me.RecordSource = strsql

ive also tried
'lngPos = Me.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
'If lngPos > (Me.Recordset.RecordCount - 1) Then
' lngPos = Me.Recordset.RecordCount - 1
' End If
'Me.Recordset.AbsolutePosition = lngPos
but if I click on another record it goes back to the one that i was editing

The procedure
Call CheckJobInformation(bolJobEvent, bolRemedialWork, bolMultiInvoice, Me.Parent.Parent!txtEstimateNumber)

Calling ......
Call OpenDbConnection

strsql = "SELECT TJob.JobID, TEstimates.EstimateId, TWorkAttention.WorkAttentionId, TWorkAttention.JobId, TRemedialWork.RemedialId, TRemedialWork.RemedialJobId, TEstimateWorkType.ClientInvoiceNumber, TEstimateWorkType.ClientDateInvoice " _
& "FROM (((TEstimates INNER JOIN TJob ON TEstimates.EstimateId = TJob.EstimateJobID) LEFT JOIN TWorkAttention ON TJob.JobID = TWorkAttention.JobId) INNER JOIN TEstimateWorkType ON TEstimates.EstimateId = TEstimateWorkType.EstimateIdWorkTypeID) LEFT JOIN TRemedialWork ON TJob.JobID = TRemedialWork.RemedialJobId " _
& "WHERE (((TEstimates.EstimateId) = " & strEstimateNo & "))"

Set rst = New adodb.Recordset
Set rst.ActiveConnection = dbcon

rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rst.Open strsql, dbcon, adOpenDynamic

With rst
' checks to see if there are records - not eof or not bof
If (.EOF = True) Or (.BOF = True) Then
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbcon = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If


' iterate through the data to see what is active job event, multi invoice, remedials work
Do While Not .EOF
' bolMultiInvoice
If bolMultiInvoice = False Then
If Nz(rst!ClientDateInvoice) <> 0 And Nz(rst!ClientInvoiceNumber) <> 0 Then
bolMultiInvoice = True
End If
End If

' bolRemedialWork
If bolRemedialWork = False Then
If Nz(rst!RemedialId) <> 0 Then
bolRemedialWork = True
End If
End If

' bolJobEvent
If bolJobEvent = False Then
If Nz(rst!WorkAttentionId) <> 0 Then
bolJobEvent = True
End If
End If

End With
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbcon = Nothing

Suggestions ......
How are ya tchaplin . . .
tchaplin said:
[blue] . . . on the Form_AfterUpdate event i change data on a record and then want to check to see if there is a recored that contains both an invoice number and invoice date and set the flag to do something else . . .[/blue]
Hard to say at this point, but your quote appears to be [blue]ambiguous[/blue]. You change data then hunt for a record with invoice number & date! [blue]Why am I thinking there will be other records that satisify invoice & date?[/blue]

[blue]Be more specific about this . . .[/blue]

See Ya! . . . . . .

Be sure to see thread181-473997
Also faq181-2886
Thanks for your reply

Yep that is correct - there are two types of job - a multi invoice and a single invoice - both are treated very differently.

If both fields are cleared within the multi invoice section i want to be able to 'reset' the job for either a single invoice or multi depending on the selection. Alternatively if for the first time an invoice and date are entered for multi-invoice i want to flag it so a single invoice selection cannot be made.

So on the forms after update im seeing it the fields have been cleared or entered to then flag the answer

Thanks once again
tchaplin . . .

Sorry to get back so late. I've been going over this thread quite a bit and keep coming up with areas I can't resolve.

tchaplin said:
[blue]The problem is that I'm on a subform continuous forms on the Form_AfterUpdate event [red]i change data on a record[/red] . . [/blue]
[ol][li]How are you saving the record? . . .[/li]
[li]I can't tell if its the currently edited record or some other record that your changing in the Form_AfterUpdate event. Be more specific here![/li]
[li]You can get back to the origional edited record with:
[blue]   Dim hldID, Cri As String
   hldID = Me![purple][B][I]PrimaryKeyName[/I][/B][/purple]
   Me.RecordSource = "qselSubMultiInvoice"
   Cri = "[[purple][B][I]PrimaryKeyName[/I][/B][/purple]] = [red][b]'[/b][/red]" & hldID & "[red][b]'[/b][/red]"
   Me.Recordset.FindFirst Cri[/blue]
If the [blue]primarykey is numeric[/blue], remove the two single quotes in [red]red[/red].[/li]
[li]In the SQL of your recordset is [blue]strEstimateNo[/blue] a field on the subform or what? . . . If its a field on the form/subform you'll have to instantiate proper form referencing.[/li]
[li]Where do agruements [blue]bolJobEvent[/blue], [blue]bolRemedialWork[/blue], and [blue]bolMultiInvoice[/blue] reside/come from?[/li][/ol]

[blue]Your Thoughts? . . .[/blue]

See Ya! . . . . . .

Be sure to see thread181-473997
Also faq181-2886
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Part and Inventory Search

