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Repost : Adjusting Time on 4625SW IP phones (diff region than CM) 1

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Technical User
Oct 16, 2009
Hello Avaya Gurus,

We have 4-5 4625SW IP sets in Central zone associated to callserver in Eastern Zone. Callserver location has main office with 120+ ip phones. I want to change the remote 4625 phones time to CST while associated and uses the trunks at call server location (EST). The remote phones gets dhcp IP (176 string) from firewall at that location.

For my inital post experts suggested to follow:

'cha locations' and create a new location.

'cha ip-network-r' and create the network region.

'cha ip-network-map' and create the ip address map.

Now in my CM current settings...

1 8700EST offset 00:00 Rule : 1 NPA 203
2 00:00 Rule : 1 NPA
3 -03:00 Rule : 1 NPA 310

So, if I add location 4 similar to...

4. REMOTE_CST offset -01:00 Rule: 1 NPA ??

Do I need to mention NPA as 203 or leave it empty? If NPA203 for this, does it effect any other phones at main location? (I will set the IPs range to Remote office IP range).

Please suggest.


The "location" rule should adjust the time on the IP phone display.
do a "list registered", and make sure the phones in question are in your new "IP-Network-Region" you defined, then also change the "IP-Network-Region X" (the new one you defined), and make sure you set the "location" field here to the newly defined location #, this is how the IP-Network-Map maps to a location...


AVAYA Certified Expert
Thank you Mitch.Phones are regestered to Region#1 now. So if I map the phones ip range (172.16.x.10- 172.16.x.20) region to new region (Region #5) ,with the location info created with time offet , that works (without impacting existing phones)... below is what I mean..

1.New location:

cha location 5:

5 REMOTE_CST offset -01:00 Rule: 1 NPA (leave empty??)

2. New network-region:

cha ip-network-region 5:
Region :5
Location : 5
Name : Remote_OFFICE1
Leave the media parameters default.
Page#3 : Codec set : ?? what exactly this represents? Do I need to create a codec set ?

3. cha ip-network-map

In my system , the map is empty at this time.
Iam going to add:
172.16.x.10- 172.16.x.20 reg: 5

This works? Also, to force the phones to use reg#5, do i need to reboot the phones?

Thank you in advance.

yes, this works.

No, the phones don't need to be rebooted, but don't expect the time to change immediatly, it will take overnight before the time displays update (during the overnight maint. window defined in "ch sys maint")


AVAYA Certified Expert
Great.. Thank you..

So after change.. my location information looks similar to

1 8700EST offset 00:00 Rule : 1 NPA 203
2 00:00 Rule : 1 NPA
3 -03:00 Rule : 1 NPA 310
4 ESS_CST offset-01:00 Rule : 1 NPA 312 : This will be
Decoed next week. Thats why iam working on chages.

5 REMOTE_CST offset-01:00 Rule : 1 NPA

IP-map: Just the entry for remote phones..

172.16.x.10- 172.16.x.20 reg: 5

What is the codec set on page#3 of ip-network-region ??

I think you should probably do some reading up on ip-network-regions in the AVAYA documnetation.

The IP-Codec set tells the switch which one of the 7 codec sets to use, which determines the aqudio quality and bandwidth used. look at "change ip-codec x" (where x= 1 to 7)


AVAYA Certified Expert
Thanks again Mitch. Infact, I need to do lot of study on Avaya docs. Iam more into networking than telecom and I inherited the system when our telecom engineer decided to move to another city... but thank you for all your suggestions and time.

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