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report script 2

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Sep 2, 2001
Anyone with any ideas on the following? I'm trying to automate a report that will have the following details from the last 24 hours.
Job ID, Status, Actual Start time, Finish time, Elapsed Time, Client, Number of files, Kilobytes, Volumes used

Basically everything except the volumes used is in the activity monitor so I can use bpdbjobs command but the volume ID of what the job used is a major detail I want in one report with everything.
There is a field called "media to eject" but the details don't match the volume labels I use. Does anyone know how I can match what's in this field with an actual volume ID?

Or if anyone has another report that can do all the above that would be great.

thanks in advance

Shannon Reid
I have the same wants/needs. What I am finding is the reporting for Veritas NB is lacking.

This report can be created but it will require the running of several other reports and then pulling the requisite values from the reports to create the custom report.

Lots of awk/sed or if you are proficient in PERL

Get the advanced reporting tool


"A foolproof method for sculpting an elephant: first, get a huge block of marble, then you chip away everything that doesn't look like an elephant.
I have a script that gives you some of the options you're looking for. I can forward it or post it on my Web site. Below is a sample output:

Completed Backups since 10/03/2004 starting at 23:00

Client Type Status MediaSvr Start_Time End_Time Elapsed Kilobytes Files

aceaix1s Diff 0 ebsmaster 10/04/2004 00:11:07 10/04/2004 01:03:53 00:52:46 651929 589
aceaix2s Diff 0 ebsmaster 10/04/2004 00:11:07 10/04/2004 00:59:42 00:48:35 27478 93
ams1an01p Diff 1 ebsmaster 10/04/2004 01:10:15 10/04/2004 01:26:16 00:16:01 3604735 3606
ams2an01p Diff 0 ebsmaster 10/04/2004 01:10:15 10/04/2004 01:21:32 00:11:17 486168 2752
amsaix1d Diff 1 ebsmaster 10/04/2004 00:11:07 10/04/2004 01:03:18 00:52:11 497548 166
amsaix1s Diff 0 ebsmaster 10/04/2004 00:11:07 10/04/2004 01:43:35 01:32:28 1795347 1473
I have a script that usese the bpimagelist -L -hoursago. It gives the following information and can be updated very easily to add more info to the final output.

Here is the information it gives

Client Policy Schedule Type Backup ID Schedule Label Retention Level ID Media Date Kilobytes Number of Fragements Copy Number

It can also give elapsed time. Not sure if it will be of anyuse to you but here it is: (this was done with some help from the forums..thanks.)

#This program will report the tapes created within the last 875 hours
#opens bpimagelist.cmd

$Data = 'E:\\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimagelist -L -hoursago 850' || die qq (Can't execute command bpimagelist.cmd);
#Tapelog.txt is made from bpimagelist -L -hoursago 875, this is just a rough list. See Tapes_To_Be_Pulled for final output.

open(CSVFILE, ">E:\\Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv") || die qq(Can't open "Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv " for output.\n);
#creates Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv (output file)
print CSVFILE "Client,Policy,Schedule Type,Backup ID,Schedule Level,Retention Level, ID, Media Date,Kilobytes,Number of Fragements,Copy Number\n";
#Below parses Tapelog.txt for the listed fields
while (<DATA>) {
}{}x; #Takes C time off of the Media Date listing, or any other time listing in logfile.
$_=~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($key, $value) = ($_=~ m!(.+):(.+)!);
$value =~ s/^\s+//; $value =~ s/\s+$//;
print "$key,$value\n";
$client = $value if (/^Client/);
$policy = $value if (/^Policy:/);
$schedule = $value if (/^Schedule Type/);
$policy_type=$value if (/^Policy Type:/);
$backupid = $value if (/^Backup ID/);
$schedulelabel = $value if (/^Sched Label($_=~ m!(.+)(.+)!)/);
$retentionlevel = $value if (/^Retention Level/);
$id = $value if (/^ID/);
$mediatape = $value if (/^Media Date: /);
$kilobytes = $value if (/^Kilobytes/);
$numberoffragments = $value if (/Fragments/);
$copynumber = $value if (/^Copy/);

print CSVFILE "$client,$policy,$schedule,$backupid,$schedulelabel,$retentionlevel,$id,$mediatape,$kilobytes,$numberoffragments,$copynumber,$mediadate\n" if /resume/ ;

close(CSVFILE) || die qq(Can't close output file "Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv".\n);

Thanks YOUENJOYMYSELF, that looks like it will do the trick if I merge the output their with what I have.
No problem like I said that was put together by some people in the forum so give lil thanks to them too.

Thanks YouEnjoyMyself for the script! - this is exactly what I need... However I am attempting to run it on a UNIX platform, but I have run into problems.

I have modified the script by specifying the file names in UNIX syntax correctly and the correct path to perl as well as the paths to bpimagelist

I do get a file called Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv, but it only contains the headers -- I know this is turning out to be a perl type question (my head's spinning) Have you a similar script for UNIX (solaris) with perl installed that works - as I am having trouble decoding what's going on in the script

thanks hopefully.

I ran into this issue to. Post up what you changed and let me take a look.
Hi YouEnjoyMyself,

Thanks for offering to take a look, unfortunately the perl used is a little beyond me - changed the hours to 24 (quicker for testing) and also "can't" to "cannot" as it was erroring at this. I don't really understand the syntax - and not sure how to log errors in perl, so I'm a little stumped :|

$ more test2.pl

#This program will report the tapes created within the last 875 hours
$DATA='/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -L -hoursago 24' || die qq
(Cannot execute command bpimagelist.cmd);

#Tapelog.txt is made from bpimagelist -L -hoursago 875, this is just a rough lis
t. See Tapes_To_Be_Pulled for final output.

open(CSVFILE, ">./MK_Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv") || die qq(Cannot open "Tapes_To_Be
_Pulled.csv " for output.\n);

#creates Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv (output file)
print CSVFILE "Client,Policy,Schedule Type,Backup ID,Schedule Level,Retention Le
vel, ID, Media Date,Kilobytes,Number of Fragements,Copy Number\n";

#Below parses Tapelog.txt for the listed fields
while (<DATA>) {
}{}x; #Takes C time off of the Media Date listing, or any other time listing
in logfile.
$_=~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($key, $value) = ($_=~ m!(.+):(.+)!);
$value =~ s/^\s+//; $value =~ s/\s+$//;
print "$key,$value\n";
$client = $value if (/^Client/);
$policy = $value if (/^Policy:/);
$schedule = $value if (/^Schedule Type/);
$policy_type=$value if (/^Policy Type:/);
$backupid = $value if (/^Backup ID/);
$schedulelabel = $value if (/^Sched Label($_=~ m!(.+)(.+)!)/);
$retentionlevel = $value if (/^Retention Level/);
$id = $value if (/^ID/);
$mediatape = $value if (/^Media Date: /);
$kilobytes = $value if (/^Kilobytes/);
$numberoffragments = $value if (/Fragments/);
$copynumber = $value if (/^Copy/);

print CSVFILE "$client,$policy,$schedule,$backupid,$schedulelabel,$retentio
nlevel,$id,$mediatape,$kilobytes,$numberoffragments,$copynumber,$mediadate\n" if
/resume/ ;

close(CSVFILE) || die qq(Cannot close output file "Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv".\n);
I have highlighted the changes I have made to your script. First thing changed was that you did not have a line to open the text file $DATA, the second change i made was to close out this file. This might be why you are only getting the column headers and no data along with them. Test it out Let me know.

#This program will report the tapes created within the last 875 hours
$DATA='/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -L -hoursago 24' || die qq
(Cannot execute command bpimagelist.cmd);
open (DATA, '$DATA') or die "Can't open $DATA: $!\n";
#Tapelog.txt is made from bpimagelist -L -hoursago 875, this is just a rough lis
t. See Tapes_To_Be_Pulled for final output.

open(CSVFILE, ">./MK_Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv") || die qq(Cannot open "Tapes_To_Be
_Pulled.csv " for output.\n);

#creates Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv (output file)
print CSVFILE "Client,Policy,Schedule Type,Backup ID,Schedule Level,Retention Le
vel, ID, Media Date,Kilobytes,Number of Fragements,Copy Number\n";

#Below parses Tapelog.txt for the listed fields
while (<DATA>) {
}{}x; #Takes C time off of the Media Date listing, or any other time listing
in logfile.
$_=~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($key, $value) = ($_=~ m!(.+):(.+)!);
$value =~ s/^\s+//; $value =~ s/\s+$//;
print "$key,$value\n";
$client = $value if (/^Client/);
$policy = $value if (/^Policy:/);
$schedule = $value if (/^Schedule Type/);
$policy_type=$value if (/^Policy Type:/);
$backupid = $value if (/^Backup ID/);
$schedulelabel = $value if (/^Sched Label($_=~ m!(.+)(.+)!)/);
$retentionlevel = $value if (/^Retention Level/);
$id = $value if (/^ID/);
$mediatape = $value if (/^Media Date: /);
$kilobytes = $value if (/^Kilobytes/);
$numberoffragments = $value if (/Fragments/);
$copynumber = $value if (/^Copy/);

print CSVFILE "$client,$policy,$schedule,$backupid,$schedulelabel,$retentio
nlevel,$id,$mediatape,$kilobytes,$numberoffragments,$copynumber,$mediadate\n" if
/resume/ ;

close(CSVFILE) || die qq(Cannot close output file "Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv".\n);
close(DATA) || die qq(Can't close output file "Tapes_To_Be_Pulled.csv".\n);
Hi Shannon, i have something real simple that could do what you want; i don't do perl or anything clever like that, i prefer to keep things real basic -

Script to basically just run a bpdbjobs report to a file. I have this running every day to a uniqur file via cron -

# - first check if NetBackup is running or not.
if [ `/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a|grep openv|grep -v grep |grep -c openv` -eq 0 ] ; then echo "This email was generated by script that reports on Current Status of ALL Backups - '/home/richardb/Netbackups_current_status.sh'" | /usr/ucb/mail -s "NetBackup doesn't appear to be running - pls investigate ASAP - nthsunbackup @`date +%d/%m-%H:%M`" emailaddy@somewhere


# - if NetBackup is running, ONLY THEN run the report.

export mydir=/home/richardb/script-output/sunshine-out

#gzip all except the newest logfile.

gzip -f $mydir/sunshine-out_*

#remove any files older than 2yrs.

find $mydir/sunshine-out_* -mtime +730 -exec rm {} \;

date > $mydir/sunshine-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'` echo >> $mydir/sunshine-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`

/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -report >> $mydir/sunshine-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`

echo "Output from cronjob written to $mydir/sunshine-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`" | /usr/ucb/mail -s "Netbackup - Current Status of ALL Backups - nthsunbackup @`date +%d/%m-%H:%M`" emailaddy@somewhere


Sample output from script -

Fri Apr 15 10:20:02 BST 2005

JobID State Statu Policy Schedule Client Started Elapsed Ended Kilobytes Files Compl KB Per
170357 Done 0 CL_ORACLEDB_dim_dimnsns DailyFull nthdim-bkp 03/15/05 17:00:58 008:35:30 03/16/05 01:36:28 100
170373 Done 0 CL_ORACLEDB_dim_dimnsns SCH_ORACLEDB nthdim-bkp 03/15/05 17:07:10 008:22:04 03/16/05 01:29:14 131248588 1 100 4657
170378 Done 0 CL_ORACLEDB_crmdev DailyFull nthcrmtest 03/15/05 19:00:48 005:01:58 03/16/05 00:02:46 100
170379 Done 0 CL_ORACLEDB_crmtest DailyFull nthcrmtest 03/15/05 19:00:48 004:05:31 03/15/05 23:06:19 100

A simple oneoff script that interrogates the about output file and presents it more tidily. I know I could do this in only one script, but the above format is pushed to a mysql database in the above format -

cat /home/richardb/script-output/sunshine.txt | grep Full | awk 'substr($7,1,8) == "04/14/05" || substr($7,1,8) == "04/15/05" {print $0}' | awk '{printf ("%-8s %-6s %-4s %-25s %-13s %-9s %-9s %-10s %-9s %-9s %-10s %-8s %-4s\n", $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14) ;}' |mail emailaddy@somewhere

Sample output from script (the only thing not here from your original question is client name, I just don't need it for my purposes). -

176567 Done 0 CL_CopyBills_crmweb2 DailyFull 04/14/05 00:04:22 002:37:57 04/14/05 02:42:19 44421664 837 100
176568 Done 0 CL_ORACLEDB_genprod DailyFull 04/14/05 00:04:22 007:55:04 04/14/05 07:59:26 0 100
176578 Done 0 CL_UNIX_crmtest DailyFull 04/14/05 00:54:22 000:17:37 04/14/05 01:11:59 1985043 69074 100
176579 Done 0 CL_UNIX_crmwebtest DailyFull 04/14/05 00:54:22 000:43:25 04/14/05 01:37:47 10542648 195431 100
176580 Done 0 CL_UNIX_emptest DailyFull 04/14/05 00:54:22 000:28:29 04/14/05 01:22:51 4686721 104856 100
176581 Done 0 CL_UNIX_gendr DailyFull 04/14/05 00:54:22 000:17:30 04/14/05 01:11:52 3618446 93275 100
176582 Done 0 CL_UNIX_gentrain DailyFull 04/14/05 00:54:22 000:17:02 04/14/05 01:11:24 3249798 73749 100

Shannon, didn't notice you had another question at bottom of your post re tapes. I have a separate script i use that might be relevant. Again it's real simple (just like me) -

Basically this script reports on all tapes used previous night between 5pm and 8am, in quite some detail. There are other ways to achieve this kind of thing i know, i just threw this together ready for when we can buy more tapes and swap out everything used on a previous night.

Fri Apr 15 08:00:09 BST 2005

Media ID: 5835L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 05:14:53 (1113538493)
Times Written: 678 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 285192031 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 0

Media ID: 5706L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 06:04:24 (1113541464)
Times Written: 59 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 38400030 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 1

Media ID: 5916L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 02:42:16 (1113529336)
Times Written: 155 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 75236898 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 0

Media ID: 5841L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 02:41:19 (1113529279)
Times Written: 683 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 305377123 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 0

Media ID: 5708L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 21:08:01 (1113509281)
Times Written: 718 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 270421401 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 0

Media ID: 5696L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 17:05:00 (1113494700)
Times Written: 205 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 60514808 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 0

Media ID: 5858L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 23:40:02 (1113518402)
Times Written: 246 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 75919299 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 3

Media ID: 5944L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 19:11:46 (1113502306)
Times Written: 6 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 10006604 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 3

Media ID: 5924L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 19:57:10 (1113505030)
Times Written: 882 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 233283135 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 3

Media ID: 5721L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 19:11:42 (1113502302)
Times Written: 192 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 36214807 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 3

Media ID: 5765L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 23:41:45 (1113518505)
Times Written: 1207 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 338593927 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 3

Media ID: 5707L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 23:41:45 (1113518505)
Times Written: 100 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 46349369 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 3

Media ID: 5720L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 00:04:25 (1113519865)
Times Written: 23 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 44426464 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 1

Media ID: 5897L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 04:04:26 (1113534266)
Times Written: 8 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 15044448 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 2

Media ID: 5807L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 03:04:24 (1113530664)
Times Written: 22 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 41145152 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 1

Media ID: 5946L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 17:04:54 (1113494694)
Times Written: 10 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 478003 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 1

Media ID: 5829L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Fri Apr 15 2005 03:45:57 (1113533157)
Times Written: 20 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 12606888 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 0

Media ID: 5951L1
Server: nthsunbackup-bkp
Last Time Written: Thu Apr 14 2005 17:04:39 (1113494679)
Times Written: 10 (within this time period)
Kilobytes: 18401440 (within this time period)
Retention Level: 1

which equates to the following list of 18 tape(s) written or appended to

5835L1 - Retention level 0 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5706L1 - Retention level 1 volume pool: UNIX_Daily
5916L1 - Retention level 0 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5841L1 - Retention level 0 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5708L1 - Retention level 0 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5696L1 - Retention level 0 volume pool: UNIX_Daily
5858L1 - Retention level 3 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5944L1 - Retention level 3 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5924L1 - Retention level 3 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5721L1 - Retention level 3 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5765L1 - Retention level 3 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5707L1 - Retention level 3 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5720L1 - Retention level 1 volume pool: CopyBills_Daily
5897L1 - Retention level 2 volume pool: DMS_Daily
5807L1 - Retention level 1 volume pool: ATSI_Daily
5946L1 - Retention level 1 volume pool: GENEVA_Daily
5829L1 - Retention level 0 volume pool: ORACLE_Daily
5951L1 - Retention level 1 volume pool: GENEVA_Daily

which equates to Total Kilobytes = 1907611827
or in Total Megabytes = 1.8629e+06
or in Total Gigabytes = 1819.24
or in Total Terabytes = 1.7766

Script (it's just basic file manipulation, I'm self taught but my simple scripting works for me!) -

# - first check if NetBackup is running or not.
if [ `/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a | grep openv | grep -v grep |grep -c openv` -eq 0 ] ; then echo "This email was generated by script that reports on tapes used Previous Night (between 5pm and 8am) - '/home/richardb/previous-night-tapes-used.sh'" | /usr/ucb/mail -s "NetBackup doesn't appear to be running - pls investigate ASAP - nthsunbackup @`date +%d/%m-%H:%M`" emailaddy@somewhere


# - if NetBackup is running, ONLY THEN produce report.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -media -L -hoursago 15 > /tmp/sfg3dvae3d

cat /tmp/sfg3dvae3d | grep "Media ID:" | awk '{print $3}' > /tmp/sfg3prev6404

cat /tmp/sfg3dvae3d | grep "Retention Level" | awk '{print "-",$1,"level",$3}' > /tmp/sfg3prev6405

rm -rf /tmp/bert433

cat /tmp/sfg3prev6404 | while read line ; do /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -m $line | grep pool | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}';done >> /tmp/bert433

paste /tmp/sfg3prev6404 /tmp/sfg3prev6405 /tmp/bert433 > /tmp/hejt72

echo "" > /tmp/sfg33e46
echo "" >> /tmp/sfg33e46
echo "===========================================================================" >> /tmp/sfg33e46

cat /tmp/hejt72 | wc | awk '{print "which equates to the following list of",$1, "tape(s) written or appended to"}' >> /tmp/sfg33e46

echo "" >> /tmp/sfg33e46

export mydir=/home/richardb/script-output/prev-night-tapes-used-out

#gzip all except the newest logfile.

gzip -f $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_*

#remove any files older than 2yrs.

find $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_* -mtime +730 -exec rm {} \;

date > $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'` echo >> $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`

cat /tmp/sfg3dvae3d /tmp/sfg33e46 /tmp/hejt72 >> $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`

echo "" >> $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`

cat /tmp/sfg3dvae3d | grep Kilobytes | awk '{sum+=$2} END {print "which equates to Total Kilobytes =",sum}' >> $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`
cat /tmp/sfg3dvae3d | grep Kilobytes | awk '{sum+=$2/1024} END {print " or in Total Megabytes =",sum}' >> $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`
cat /tmp/sfg3dvae3d | grep Kilobytes | awk '{sum+=$2/1048576} END {print " or in Total Gigabytes =",sum}' >> $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`
cat /tmp/sfg3dvae3d | grep Kilobytes | awk '{sum+=$2/1073741824} END {print " or in Total Terabytes =",sum}' >> $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'`

cat $mydir/prev-night-tapes-used-out_`date '+%d%m%Y'` | /usr/ucb/mail -s "Netbackup - List of tapes used Previous Night (between 5pm and 8am) -nthsunbackup @`date +%d/%m-%H:%M`" emailaddy@somewhere

rm -rf /tmp/bert433 /tmp/hejt72 /tmp/sfg33e46 /tmp/sfg3dvae3d /tmp/sfg3prev6404 /tmp/sfg3prev6405


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