I have a coin inventory DB with the following tables;
tblCoins - Holds all possible coin types available for this collection
ID - Autonumber - Unique ID
Country - Text- Country of mint
CoinType - Text- Denomination and type of coin
Year - Text- Year and Mint mark
Remarks - Memo- Notes on individual Coin
tblCollection - Holds all coins actually in this collection
CoinID - Autonumber - Unique ID
Country - Text - Country of mint
CoinType - Text - Denomination and type of coin
Year - Text - Year and Mint mark
Grade - Text - Grade of Coin
Value - Currency - Appraised value of coin
Remarks - Memo - Notes on Coin in collection
What I wish to do is compare both tables and output a report showing the coins I need to fill the collection. Specifically, if the coin is in tblCoin and not in tblCollection, add to report. I imagine a query will accomplish this task but it is currently beyond my skills to create it.
Thank you for any assistance,
tblCoins - Holds all possible coin types available for this collection
ID - Autonumber - Unique ID
Country - Text- Country of mint
CoinType - Text- Denomination and type of coin
Year - Text- Year and Mint mark
Remarks - Memo- Notes on individual Coin
tblCollection - Holds all coins actually in this collection
CoinID - Autonumber - Unique ID
Country - Text - Country of mint
CoinType - Text - Denomination and type of coin
Year - Text - Year and Mint mark
Grade - Text - Grade of Coin
Value - Currency - Appraised value of coin
Remarks - Memo - Notes on Coin in collection
What I wish to do is compare both tables and output a report showing the coins I need to fill the collection. Specifically, if the coin is in tblCoin and not in tblCollection, add to report. I imagine a query will accomplish this task but it is currently beyond my skills to create it.
Thank you for any assistance,