Here is my problem, I have data sent to me in an Excel workbook at the end of each month (large company) with safety stats for the whole company, from this I extract data to my spreadsheet at the press of a button. I have code written that works fine untill the monthly spreadsheet sent to me has different worksheet names to the original I am usually sent (slight differnece only). Is there a way to rename the woorksheet names using code before I run my update code?
Windows("Safety Stats Master.XLS").Activate
(then rename the woorksheet names by selecting the 5th, 6th and 7th worksheets in this wookbook and nameing them as I wish) - now I think about it what I need to know is how to select a wooksheet in a workbook without knowing it's name ie its position?
Wow thats a big question (sorry)
Windows("Safety Stats Master.XLS").Activate
(then rename the woorksheet names by selecting the 5th, 6th and 7th worksheets in this wookbook and nameing them as I wish) - now I think about it what I need to know is how to select a wooksheet in a workbook without knowing it's name ie its position?
Wow thats a big question (sorry)