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rename files based on zip date

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Technical User
May 20, 2003
I have a couple of scripts which for the most part work but I need to change it up a bit based on new requirments. Here is what is currently happening.

Get 80 zip files in named yyyymmdd-(location).zip
Unzip each zip to a folder based on location code in zip name.
Rename the files to include yesterdays date.
Zip up files and move to anyother directory based on location code.

All the above works fine if I only get one zip file per location per day. This is an issue when I get more than one zip file per location. So if I get 20080323-1.zip and 20080324-1.zip because the code I am using will just unzip the first one then unzip the second to the same folder which will over write the first ones before I am able to rename them.

What I need to do is unzip and rename the files based on the date of the zip file then zip all of the files into one zip based on yyyymmdd.zip.

Here is my current code (which came with a lot of help from this forum :) )

@echo off 
cd po\test\users\test
dir /b *.zip | awk -f  C:\test\unzip.awk  C:\stores.txt - > C:\unzip.cmd
The above calls the awk code below
        UnZipCommand1 = "c:\\progra~1\\winzip\\wzunzip.exe -e -s C:\\po\\test\\users\\test\\" 
        UnZipCommand2 = " @list.txt C:\\po\\test\\users\\test\\" 
# Making the field separator -, ., or TAB makes it work for both 
# the file name and the tab delimited map file. 
        FS = "[-.\t]" 
        print "@echo off" 


        if( NR == FNR ) { 
# The file containing the location map. 
                Table[ $1 ] = $2 
        else { 
# The directory listing on STDIN 

# The source is the filename in the DIR listing. 
                Fname = $0 
# The target is the given parent directory followed by the location 
# from the map file corresponding to the location number in the 
# file name (the second field). 
                Target = Table[ $2 ] 
# It may be desirable to ad a trailing "\\" to the command. 
                Command = UnZipCommand1 Fname UnZipCommand2 Target
                print Command 


Then I run the following to rename the files based on the date, zip and move to the correct directory.

timetab(z,time() - 86400) 
while (i < 2){
yesterday = time()-(i*86400)
while ( (getline < "Stores.txt") > 0) 
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\emp.dbf em%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\gndtndr.dbf td%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\gndline.dbf ln%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\gnditem.dbf it%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\itm.dbf i%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\trans.log t%s%02s%02s.log\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\cit.dbf ci%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\cat.dbf ca%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\gndrevn.dbf gr%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\rev.dbf rv%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\gndturn.dbf gt%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\tdr.dbf t%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\pro.dbf p%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("REN c:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\cmp.dbf c%s%02s%02s.dbf\n",$2,substr(y["YEAR"],3,2),y["MONTH"],y["DAY"])  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"


while ( (getline < "Store.txt") > 0)

printf("c:\\progra~1\\winzip\\wzzip.exe -m -s C:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\%s%02s%02s.zip C:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\*.*\n",$1 ,z["YEAR"],z["MONTH"],z["DAY"], $1) > "C:\\test\\doit.bat" 


while ((getline <"Store1.txt") > 0)
printf("XCOPY /s C:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\*.zip C:\\iFtpSvc\\info\\users\\download\\test\\%s\\\n",$1,$1) > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"


while ((getline <"Store2.txt") > 0)
printf("del C:\\po\test\users\test\\%s\\*.zip\n",$1) > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"
printf("del C:\\po\test\users\test\\*.zip -w 10\n")  > "C:\\test\\doit.bat"


Any ideas?
Why not use timetab() in unzip.awk to obtain the date you are interested in, and simply skip over files that do not match it?

Re-reading the question, I figure you don't really want to ignore files, just because they came in a day later than expected.

I think you'll need to combine your two scripts into one to handle that situation cleanly. Have you tried using system() calls to run the zips and unzips directly from awk, rather than creating a batch file that you run later? That would give you more immediate control over the logic in the process. I haven't used awk under Windows, so don't know how well that works.

Correct, I want to process the files no matter when they came in I just want to rename the extracted files so they have the date of the zip files.

Combining them would be ideal I just do not know how at this time. I have not tried system calls. I did think that if I could do a dir/b *.zip > zip.txt I could get the zip file names. I would then somehow need to get that into the names of the extracted files.
Try it and see I guess.

This kind of syntax should also work (it would under Unix anyway):

    CMD="dir /b *.zip"
    while (CMD | getline) {
        system("ren " $1 " " $1 ".newname")

What version of awk are you using?

I have two versions of awk. Tawk and Gawk.

I get the CMD="dir /b *.zip" line. Can you walk me through what the rest of it does?
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