I have a CRM which requires a command to be run on the EX2007 to allow email to be sent out. The admin document give the following command to use:
get-mailboxserver [Exchange2007ServerName] | add -adpermission -user [UserAccount] -extendedrights “Send As”, “Receive As”, “Administer Information Store”, “View
Information Store Status”
I am now receiving self-addressed spam and want to revert my account to default settings. I guess I need to use the above command but with remove -adpermission, but what it the default rights list compared to the above command? I don't want to kill my email! What from the above list is safe to remove?
get-mailboxserver [Exchange2007ServerName] | add -adpermission -user [UserAccount] -extendedrights “Send As”, “Receive As”, “Administer Information Store”, “View
Information Store Status”
I am now receiving self-addressed spam and want to revert my account to default settings. I guess I need to use the above command but with remove -adpermission, but what it the default rights list compared to the above command? I don't want to kill my email! What from the above list is safe to remove?