I am trying to remove all characters from a field in db. I thought I removed them all but some fields still contain some characters (when the data is transferred to text file some fields have bunch of little square values. How do I find what character is in the field? Here is my code:
set @buffer = REPLACE(SUBSTRING( cast(@Field as varchar(256)), 1, 256), char(13)+char(10), ' ')
set @buffer = REPLACE(SUBSTRING( cast(@buffer as varchar(256)), 1, 256), char(10), ' ')
set @buffer = REPLACE(SUBSTRING( cast(@buffer as varchar(256)), 1, 256), char(13), ' ')
return @buffer
I thought I removed tabs, returns, spaces.. No?
thanks for any help!!!
I am trying to remove all characters from a field in db. I thought I removed them all but some fields still contain some characters (when the data is transferred to text file some fields have bunch of little square values. How do I find what character is in the field? Here is my code:
set @buffer = REPLACE(SUBSTRING( cast(@Field as varchar(256)), 1, 256), char(13)+char(10), ' ')
set @buffer = REPLACE(SUBSTRING( cast(@buffer as varchar(256)), 1, 256), char(10), ' ')
set @buffer = REPLACE(SUBSTRING( cast(@buffer as varchar(256)), 1, 256), char(13), ' ')
return @buffer
I thought I removed tabs, returns, spaces.. No?
thanks for any help!!!