I have a document that includes all orders done for billback vouchers, this includes vouchers with values and without values. I need to be able to run the report so that the only information I receive are the orders with 0 amount, but if there was a voucher with the same order number and an amount the 0 voucher must not be shown.
For example, this is the original document =
Invono Orderno Amount
1747507 1472523 0.00
1747508 1472523 0.00
1748922 1472523 866.67
This is what I would want to see
Invono Orderno Amount
1747507 1472523 0.00
Is there a formula or another way I can do this in Crystal Reports?
For example, this is the original document =
Invono Orderno Amount
1747507 1472523 0.00
1747508 1472523 0.00
1748922 1472523 866.67
This is what I would want to see
Invono Orderno Amount
1747507 1472523 0.00
Is there a formula or another way I can do this in Crystal Reports?