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Removing Dotted lines around an "image link" after click. 4

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Dec 8, 2000
Hi all,

I wonder if there's a way, perhaps an easy method of removing the dotted lines around an image when clicked on it to go to the next link.

I have a button which is a sphere type. So, I tried changing my image canvas according to that size and shape. But I'm still getting a square box around it after click. What should I do?

in your image/link tag put, onfocus="this.blur()" luciddream@subdimension.com
Also, if you are luck enough to only have to develop for IE5.5, you can add the hidefocus attribute:

<button hidefocus onclick=&quot;whatever()&quot;>no dotted line!</button> jaredn@subdimension.com -
Does NS6 support hidefocus? Bj
b[sup]2[/sup] - benbiddington@surf4nix.com
i dont think so... i'm pretty sure its a microsoft thing. luciddream@subdimension.com
bloody typical - good one Netscape. They should quit while they're ahead.
b[sup]2[/sup] - benbiddington@surf4nix.com
Netscape hasn't been ahead for about 5 years. ;) Kevin
NN version 6 is just &quot;too little, too late&quot;. I have to admit, most of the CSS looked good there, it seems that it supports the standard much better now, but really version 6 is just too big, too buggy, it also has unusual design. Clearly they are losing it.
I know this isn't the time or the place, but I'll throw it out there...ignore if you choose.

Netscape used to be the only browser worth a darn. When they began butting heads with MS, everything went downhill. Do I agree with what MS did to NS? No, but that's an entirely different discussion. What I will say is that it SEEMS when the two companies started their legal wrangling, NS abandoned their product and began focusing all their time, energy, and money on the lawsuit. That's when MS IE pulled ahead and has remained in the lead since.

i'm afraid i have to agree with you kevin :-( this is sad tho ...
I don't know if you are watching the 'legal wrangling' on CSPAN (listening actually, audio only) but the Federal Government is losing horribly in the Supreme Court hearings.

It is quickly becoming obvious that the Fed's over-stepped their bounds in the penalty phase of the ruling. In my opinion the case will be remanded back to the courts and they will ease up on MS. If this happen the split up will never happen.

One of the interesting things they mentioned is there are no provisions keeping MS from starting the whole process over. They can literally recreate the whole scenerio over without strong-arming other companies and the Fed's can't do anything about it.

If you are so inclined, go the the CNET and read up on it:
» » » » » »
Mike Barone
FREE and Pro CGI/Perl Scripts
Maybe I read the question wrong, but from what I gathered you are looking for this command


I use this for both image links and text links.

The Pope
Is there anyway to apply this to all the image links on a page or an entire website w/o having to copy & paste it into EVERY HREF tag?

Cullen Cox
Graphic Artist/Web Designer.
you can use this:

function init(tag)
var x = new Array();
x = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
x.onclick = funcRef;

then in your body tag put..

<body onload=&quot;init(&quot;a&quot;);init(&quot;img&quot;);&quot;>

this only works in IE5+ and NS5+.

oops... that was supposed to be:

function init(tag)
var x = new Array();
x = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
x.onclick = this.blur;

then in your body tag put..

<body onload=&quot;init(&quot;a&quot;);init(&quot;img&quot;);&quot;>
Hi Lucid...

I tried using your code in a child window..but when clicked on an image with a link...it minimized the window instead. Is it because I changed

<body onload=&quot;init(&quot;a&quot;);init(&quot;img&quot;);&quot;>
<body onload=&quot;init('a');init('img');&quot;>?
oops... sorry, there were a few typos there.. and i didn't test it at all... but, this works:

function init(tag)
var x = new Array();
x = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
x.onclick = x.blur;

<body onload=&quot;init('a');init('img');&quot;> luciddream@subdimension.com
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