I'm using the following code to get data from a user form...I would like to remove the blanks or spaces from the created array...The data comes from a multy line text box, so I must first remove the CR...but I'm not sure how to remove any blanks or spaces that might be in the array
I'm using the following code to get data from a user form...I would like to remove the blanks or spaces from the created array...The data comes from a multy line text box, so I must first remove the CR...but I'm not sure how to remove any blanks or spaces that might be in the array
Dim txt As String
Dim x As Variant
Dim i As Long
txt = Replace(upctxt, Chr(13), " ")
x = VBA.split(txt, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(x)
MsgBox x(i)
Next i