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Remove an ' from the insert statement 1

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Dec 29, 2004

I think I need to use a Remove() function or something to remove any random ' in a string,

e.g. ''O'Loughlin', 'niffib', '9', '0', 'fghjk', '£10000')'

from the "O'"

Any ideas?

Cheers Richard

Richard Noon
This will remove all single quotes from myString...
Replace(myString, "'", "")

Webmaster -

Thanks alot!, veyr prompt! :)
Can I just ask where i put that?

I have put it in the page where I submit the data, or does it need to be on the data entry pages?

I the following error on the submit with that code...

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0414' 

Cannot use parentheses when calling a Sub 

/register/registercv.asp, line 31 

Replace(strSQL, "'", "")

Richard Noon
Can you post your code. I wouldn't use this method on your entire SQL string as it will remove ALL single quotes and you probably have some in there that you need - surrounding string variables for example.

Webmaster -
for the example you need to escape the ' not remove it, as it is part of a name.

strSQL = replace(strSQL,"'","''")

probably the second most asked question after "how do I hide my source code"


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
Woo Hoo! the cobblers kids get new shoes.
Nightclub counting systems

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Hi, I can imagine that it is a common question...someone should write an FAQ!

This is the page that does the insert..it is the culmination of 3 pages of data entry prior to that.
below this...the error that I am still getting, now that I am using the line from Chris.

<!--#include file="md5.asp" -->
<!--#include file="rand.asp" -->
<!--#include file="common.asp" -->



	Password =  Request.Form("password")
	Sec_ques = Request.Form("sec_ques")
	Sec_Ans =  Request.Form("sec_Ans")
	first_name = Request.Form("first_name")
	last_name = Request.Form("last_name")
	Birth_Year = Request.Form("Birth_Year")
	Address = Request.form("Address")
	Post_Code = Request.Form("Post_Code")
	E_Mail = Request.Form("E_Mail")
	[URL unfurl="true"]www =[/URL]  Request.Form("[URL unfurl="true"]www")[/URL]
	Ethnicity = Request.form("Ethnicity")
	Nationality = Request.form("Nationality")
	Gender = Request.Form("Gender")
	County = Request.Form("County")
	Country = Request.Form("Country")
	PersonTelephoneNoH = Request.form("PersonTelephoneNoH")
	PersonTelephoneNoW = Request.form("PersonTelephoneNoW")
	FeeRate = Request.form("FeeRate")
	CareerDetail= Request.form("CareerDetail")

strSQL = replace(strSQL,"'","''")

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "D:/Websites/richard/admin/db/users.mdb"

	'Build connection
strSQL="insert into tblUsers (First_Name, Last_Name, Address, Birth_Year, Gender, E_Mail, Ethnicity, Nationality, www, Country, County, Post_Code, Sec_ques, Sec_Ans, [Password], PersonTelephoneNoW, PersonTelephoneNoH, CareerDetail, FeeRate) values ('" & First_Name& "', '" & Last_Name& "', '" & Address& "', '" & Birth_Year& "', '" & Gender& "', '" & E_Mail& "', '" & Ethnicity& "', '" & Nationality& "', '" & www& "', '" &Country & "', '" &County & "', '" & Post_Code& "', '" & Sec_ques& "', '" & Sec_Ans& "', '" & Password& "', '" & PersonTelephoneNoW& "', '" & PersonTelephoneNoH& "', '" & CareerDetail& "', '" & FeeRate& "')"
'response.write (strSQL)
	conn.Execute strSQL

Response.Redirect("../upload2/temp/upload_demo.asp?E_Mail=" & E_Mail & "")
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Blue Resourcing - Registration Template</title>



<img border="0" src="picts/about.jpg" align="top" width="100%" height="80"></p>
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table2">
		<p align="right">Help <a href="mailto:webenquiry@blueresourcing.com">
		Contact Us</a></td>
<form name "form">
<table border="0" width="100%" id="table1">
  		<td align="center" valign="top" width="156">
		<font color="#000080" face="Arial Narrow" size="2">
		<img border="0" src="../images/BR-Logo_125X110.gif" width="125" height="110" align="left"></font></td>
    <td width="161" height="23" align="right">
    <font face="Arial Narrow" size="2">Please Upload your CV:&nbsp;</font></td>
    <td width="804" height="23" bgcolor="#E9E9E9">
    <font color="#5C5CA8"><!--#include file="uploadtodatabase/insertfile.asp" --></font></td>
<FORM NAME="form" METHOD="GET" ACTION="iiwuefh.htm" ONSUBMIT="return ValidateData();">
The error...
Line 41 is that line
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14' 

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''O'Leary', 'wrgelkete ewgseghseth szethgz er t', 'k023985428', 'Male', 'richardn@davidmasonconsultancy.co.uk', 'Asian British', 'Gambia', 'jhbwrbhj', 'Bahamas', 'rjnrkjgn', 'kjnekjn', 'What is your Pet Name?', 'rwgw', 'efw', 'jhrbgejrhb', 'wjrhbgejrhb'. 

/register/registercv.asp, line 41

Richard Noon
do it here instead:
last_name = Replace(Request.Form("last_name"), "'", "''")

Webmaster -
yes - the ones that contain strings anyway - not much point on the other ones (numeric, boolean, etc).

Webmaster -
Before even considering using a 'built-up' SQL query, do a Google for 'SQL injection attack'. When you've read a few of the horror stories that result from it, look up 'stored procedures' or 'parameter queries' and find out how to do it properly

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first
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