My Goal: To find a method to give telephony features to home office users… with out having to set up a VPN.
We are looking for a method to deliver telephony features from our S8700 pbx to home users by using a IP phone from Avaya. Currently home users are using a Linksys hub on a broadband connection ( either dsl or cable service ). The employee has a vpn client software running on their laptops which provides the connectivity back to the corporate network and data connectivity works just fine. Now here lies some of the issues we are trying to overcome.. Each laptop user has an extension for their individual softphone… the softphone connects to the gateway and they can make and recv calls.. when the users fires up a few applications and start to pull down email.. while on a call the laptops resources either maxout and the machine grinds to a stop or an application will hang ( pretty common for a roadwarrior setup) disconnecting the call or experience jitter . thus causing grief and all sorts of finger pointing…
Our data guys are refusing to have to continue to set up individual vpn tunnels because of the environment that it creates.. they currently have to create an entry to the access lists to enable the each vpn end point to communicate seamlessly with other vpn endpoints.. ( like IP phone to IP phone ). ( Ip shuffling issue )…
Another issue is fact that each VPN site (home user and/or branch) share the same secret key for the VPN. So if one home user leaves the company now each site/vpn tunnel has to be touched to change the “secret key” . Could be that we have the wrong VPN solution happening. See question 5 below..
What I am trying do or to find out if it is possible. Is this. If I was to add another CLAN board and give the new CLAN board a Public IP… would this enable the gateway (S8700) to communicate with home users/telecommuters without using a VPN tunnel. Hence the voip call set up would bypass the laptop/software VPN client and traverse from IP phone ( ie 4610 ) to the gateway to make calls.
1.Is there a limitations on how many CLAN board one can install on the S8700 ?
2.What risks are involved, what are the gotcha’s?
3. Heck.. would this even work ?
4. Is there a way to encrypt the calls ? or would the be “in the clear” so to speak.
4. Does avaya or cisco make a VPN device that manages more than one key for each vpn endpoint ? ( don’t laugh I am a voice guy)
Thanks for the help.
We are looking for a method to deliver telephony features from our S8700 pbx to home users by using a IP phone from Avaya. Currently home users are using a Linksys hub on a broadband connection ( either dsl or cable service ). The employee has a vpn client software running on their laptops which provides the connectivity back to the corporate network and data connectivity works just fine. Now here lies some of the issues we are trying to overcome.. Each laptop user has an extension for their individual softphone… the softphone connects to the gateway and they can make and recv calls.. when the users fires up a few applications and start to pull down email.. while on a call the laptops resources either maxout and the machine grinds to a stop or an application will hang ( pretty common for a roadwarrior setup) disconnecting the call or experience jitter . thus causing grief and all sorts of finger pointing…
Our data guys are refusing to have to continue to set up individual vpn tunnels because of the environment that it creates.. they currently have to create an entry to the access lists to enable the each vpn end point to communicate seamlessly with other vpn endpoints.. ( like IP phone to IP phone ). ( Ip shuffling issue )…
Another issue is fact that each VPN site (home user and/or branch) share the same secret key for the VPN. So if one home user leaves the company now each site/vpn tunnel has to be touched to change the “secret key” . Could be that we have the wrong VPN solution happening. See question 5 below..
What I am trying do or to find out if it is possible. Is this. If I was to add another CLAN board and give the new CLAN board a Public IP… would this enable the gateway (S8700) to communicate with home users/telecommuters without using a VPN tunnel. Hence the voip call set up would bypass the laptop/software VPN client and traverse from IP phone ( ie 4610 ) to the gateway to make calls.
1.Is there a limitations on how many CLAN board one can install on the S8700 ?
2.What risks are involved, what are the gotcha’s?
3. Heck.. would this even work ?
4. Is there a way to encrypt the calls ? or would the be “in the clear” so to speak.
4. Does avaya or cisco make a VPN device that manages more than one key for each vpn endpoint ? ( don’t laugh I am a voice guy)
Thanks for the help.