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Remote Phone Issues

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May 16, 2018
Hi all,

I have asked this before, but never made any headway, and this issue is becoming more of a problem as we expand our system

So we have an MFIM100 at our head office

We have 25 UK sites, VPN from head office to each site

We have phones at most sites, all connected to the head office system

We make and receive lots of calls from head office to sites, no problem

Now the sites need to call each other, the problem is we only have VPN to head office, not webbing all the sites (too many)

So how do I route the calls through the MFIM, I know it only wants to set up the call, so we get none or one way audio

I have read loads on here, tried different gateways in the PGM132 after finding the handsets sequence numbers

This must be possible without webbing the VPN

My only thought is something to do with the Remote / Local phones, mine are all set to local, if I set them to remote, will that route through the system ?

I believe there is some licencing issue with changing them to remote, don't I need more VOIM channels or something ?

Help greatly appreciated,

After 10 years of the MFIM we are upgrading to the UCP shortly, but need to get this fixed first


Thanks, that's what I thought, how do I get more VoIP channels ? - another VOIM24 unit ?
Yes, on the MFIM you'll need a VOIM24 and we'll need to spend some time setting up the proper port forwarding on your router.

The UCP can expand to 20 VoIP channels with just licensing.

Jacksonville Florida Telephone Systems
Hi Paul

i take it that the VPNs are LAN to LAN

i don know what handsets you are using but the 9000 series handsets have three settings

local on the same subnet as MfIM/UCP
local-Remote this is if the handsets are on a different subnet but are not routed via NAT to the MfIM/UCP
Remote if the handset is used via a remote user and uses a NAT connection back to head office via it public IP address and port forwarding and will require VOIM resources

i would set them to Local-remote which would not use any VOIM resources (as this is how i have 200 remote phones connected to a UCP600 on a routed MPLS network which is similar to a LAN to LAN VPN setup)

Hi Eddie,

Many thanks for your input

We are using 8012E phones

We do have an option 'Same LAN as MFIM' I have always set them to No at other sites

I don't think it offers a 'local remote' option

I think I need to change them to 'Remote' so it routes the call via the system all the time, not just the initial call setup

I think yours works because you have an MPLS network, so I guess you can ping site to site, which we can't, only head office from sites

I am thinking of just getting another VOIM24 and using that to gain some VOIP licences

just set the phones into remote mode

always worth checking how many ports you have left on the system as you only have a mfim 100 .

and i assume you already have a voim 24 installed .

so between 2 voim24 you have used 50 ports . and with the ten ports already in use for the 6 voim channels on the system and the voicemail ports etc . you will only have 40 ports left .

what lines are they using ?

if its on pri your lose ports on that as well .

but if is on pri i doubt your ever max out the voim 24 you already have . as it only uses a channel when the remote phone is in use . unless they are a high traffic site .

Hi Martin,

Yes, this is my plan, and now I know the password for the web interface on the phones, I can change this remotely without relying on the users to do it

Our MFIM is full

We have a VOIM 24


All the newer lines are coming in on SIP, so we have about 14 SIP lines in

We are going to need another 2 x VOIM 24 (or licence up the UCP) to cope with the volume,

then you have no choice but to go ucp as you only have 100 ports on the mfrim to play with . so u couldnt add another voim 24 even if you wanted .

if you turn the remote phones in to remote mode the maximum number of remote phones you could have in use at any one time is 16 if you are using all the 14 sip channels in use .

more if you are not using the sip channels and using the pri and have the channels set to common so they can be used for sip or phone traffic . if that makes sense

personally id protect the sip channels and let them to be used for sip/line traffic only .

when you get a ucp a choice will need to be made on the size you get . the ucp 100 can be licenses up to 200 ports . or you can go ucp 600 .

you can reuse your old voim 24 as long as its firmware is up todate . so you can have 24 plus 16 . ( 2 x voimsw licenses ) plus the 6 on the back plane would give you 46 voim channels in affect ,

i assume you will be dumping the pri and going all sip.

Yes, it appears we have no choice

It's annoying that we will have to program the UCP from scratch, since they say the converter to restore a back from an MFIM to UCP doesn't work

I think we are going to have about 100 phones in total, so maybe the UCP 100 will be enough

Think the firmware will be up to date, or we can flash it, and going to look out for another VOIM24 for when we get the UCP

Yes, plan to drop the ISDN 30 (only got 9 channels) and get it all via SIP now we have a leased line internet connection

Was hoping you was going to tell me of a way of restoring an MFIM backup to a UCP to save a day or so's programming :)
lol it doesnt take long to program a ucp tbh .

i assume you have remote access to the mfrim .

just virtual register everything and then copy the mac addresses from it to the ucp .

your be done in a hour or two. half a day maximum .

its best to do this anyway to cut out all the crap programming that gets in there over the years like ddis and groups etc that are now no longer used .

and you can simply download the speed dials in to excel if you have loads using the offline tool . but again you can just copy and paste them tbh lol .

or if your feeling really lazy download the speed dial file on its own off the mfim and pump it straight in to the ucp it does work your just find it puts co line 44 in all the line fields which you can change quick enough .

get your self two monitors and mfrim on one side ucp on the other screen . wont take long .

Thanks again, it's our system so it's on premise

Was going to work through and not migrate anything we are not using anymore

As they are all using 8012E phones, it's 12 flex keys to program for every handset, and setting up the ACD login buttons that will take the time,

We all have two screens on our PC's so will just work my way through

We only have a few speed dials as use a CTI application from the PC's

easy then , crack on lol .

yeah the flex keys are a pain and can take time i admit when every one has different unique keys

good luck with it all etc
Was hoping you was going to tell me of a way of restoring an MFIM backup to a UCP to save a day or so's programming." I believe you can do this with OWA. I only had to do it once, but I remember doing it and it actually worked!

Jacksonville Florida Telephone Systems
i wouldnt advise it its best to just spend the time and set it up fresh tbh
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