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Remote ICA clients cannot find server. 2

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May 2, 2001
I have several remote clients (15-20). Of these I have two who cannot connect to the Citrix server. They both could at one time. The only thing I can nail down that changed is that one of the users went to an external modem. Platform is Win 2K, users are all 95/98/Professional.

I tried to uninstall the ICA client to "start over" thinking maybe some .dll may have gotten corrupted. Didn't fix it. As a matter of fact when I went to do the reinstall it retained alot of information. I then tried to uninstall and also clean out the registry for references to citrix, or ICA. Did another install, sure enough it detected things like the computer name (I chose something other than the one the computer was using for a test), it also retained the ica client info (where you would add an ICA client). The installs go without a blemish, just cannot seem to overcome this problem. This happens day or night the number of users on the network does not matter. Any ideas????

Error in connection
The Citrix server is not available. Please try again later.

However this user was always able to connect. The way I have them setup currently is, I have them establish a dial up connection with their ISP, then open the citrix client. I have tried dialup connection as well to no avail. The citrix client is using a wide area connection. It seems to work great everywhere else.

Any Ideas?
I had several users having the same error. After going crazy to figure out what is wrong I finaly found out it is something with the ISP that they were connecting to.
We use Earthlink for our ISP in my company. Sometimes something happens to the specific number they dial to and they get exactly same error that you got. Strange thing is that they can connect and browse the web in IE but Citrix will not work. Once I had them dial to diffrent location they were OK.
I got to the solution by mistake actualy. I got this user that was OK for months tell me that he got that error. Since he lives close by I asked him to bring his pc in for checkup. When I connected to my number it was working fine. I then I dialed to his number and could not get connection.

In short, try diffrent access number and see if that solves your problem.
Let us know if that worked.

Rarely do I get stumped, this one did it tho.

I finally figured out what the problem was (had to use some devine intervention). I tried changing the user to a different access number, even tried different ISP and one that I use from time to time. Didn't do it.... Even tried having my client access another client's Citrix server they were able to get into that one fine. This is where the stumped part got real strong....

I then ran across an article that pointed me to a registry entry that made sense to me that could be a problem (this was after the divine intervention part).

In regedit, go to KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSLicensing, you will see the key HardwareID (looks like a folder). . Delete the HardwareID key. Retest it. It worked without blinking the second time I tested it.

Hope this helps some one else.

Errr.... ok.. splendid....

But why ??? Steve Marshall
Group IT
Technical Support Supervisor
(aka General Meddler)
The Expro Group
I am running into the same problem on my Farm and this solution is not fixing the problem. I have deleted the fore mentioned keys on both the workstation and the server itself. anyone else have any bright ideas?
The trouble with this particular error message is that it's fairly generic; it means almost exactly what it says - that an ICA handshake cannot be made because the sever can't be found.

This can be for several reasons, sometimes licensing, sometimes physical networking and sometimes networking settings, eg DNS.

One of the first things to try would be to put the name or IP address of the Master browser in the Server Location field in the client. If that doesn't work, try using the Terminal Server (RDP) client.

Hope this helps
You're awesome.
The registry modification solves the problem.

I don't have the key in the registry. Any other suggestions? I do have a key under hardwareid but it's for the modem - is that it?
I'm having a similar problem. However I'm using NCD Thinstar 400 terminals, not PC's. They're in a remote office going through a VPN. Terminals can ping server and vice versa, they even see the pub. apps, but can't connect. They were fine when they were locally. Anyone any ideas?? I'm desperate.
tpulley you Da! Man!!!! it worked..i had to clear the cache on the local machine (the internet explorer cache)..usually in c:\temp\cache.... and baby it worked!!!!
Thanks for the hardwork....also where did you find the article about the Hardware ID?


I didn't find an article for this answer. What I did find through many web techy "help sites" was one article that mentioned something about unable to connect because the modem was not recognized (or something like that), from citrix's knowledge base.

It appears that certain things are cached in the registry that while normally helping the application to start up quickly, if it changes then of course it can stop the train. Clearing that key make the app start over and not taking the information it thought it knew to be correct.

Any Citrix Engineers out there with Citrix's ear.... A suggestion for future releases; Have a "do over" button. Meaning to clear all cached entries that are not volatile to the application running. Let it rediscover the information it needs this may resolve other issues not found as of yet even.

PS. Sorry for the delay in checking in, been on a sabbatical....
you may already know this.
we had simerlar issue. ica client would connect but no icons.
we tryed reinstalls ect.

found out later that this is a reay easy fix. from the local profile "c:\windows\profile\username\Application Data" delete ICAClient.
this will force ica client to reload from default settigns.

i hope this helps
I tried deleting the profile and also the reg. key - still nothing. This is the only website that I was able to find about this error. Any other suggestions? I'm not using a dial-up, I'm going through the LAN.
We have the opposite connection issue only two of the client PC's will connect. We are installing a citrix environment to allow remote users to access one application,they are win98se remotely connecting to win2k server running XPa (still on trial licence)first 2 PC's connected fine, from there all others have failed. (error message is citrix server is not accepting any connections) win2kpro pc on local net connect fine. Any ideas?
It is a 99 user eval. we may be getting closer to a solution, the 2 remote PC's that work for some reason have had winsock proxy client installed. Apparantly when the firewall was opened to allow traffic from the remote domain it was for this IP not were the network IP that the other PC's were using. We are getting the additional IP added to the firewall settings,
fingers crossed.
I'm still having the problem. Does anyone know of any other good Citrix "help sites"? This is the only site I could find that was related to this error.

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