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Remote Desktop Confusion--SBC confusing me!

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Sep 10, 2004
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Remote location has a static SBC connection coming into it. From the DSL modem this connects to a Linksys Router. I have opened the port 3389 and set to forward to the only machine at this location. When I am at the locatin I can remote into it fine with my laptop using mstsc "TS Client". When I am anywhere else, I get the standard too busy can't see it error.

The odd part is SBC has the static IP in the router set to 66.**.**.49, and when I go to it says the IP is 66.**.**.54, which is in the router set as the Gateway.

Trying either one as my 66.**.**.**:3389 address in TS still give me the error when I am trying to connect from anywhere else. I have disabled the Firewall on the router to see if that was it and got nothing...please advise this is Very important! Thanks,,,

Where are you trying to connect FROM? If it is at a business / corporate, they often block all ports except 80, blocking RDC.
I am trying to connect from home. This is a scenerio of my customer owns a restaurant and has the billing/office computer there and wants to access it from their home. The restaurant has the above described SBC connection. Home locations have standard dsl and cable modem connections also.
You need to port forward at the home location also. Have you done that? Can you ping the restaurant? You will probably have to tell the restaurant router to respond to ping.

One thing I do when setting up remote access is to use a dial up account while onsite, so that I can configure the router and make sure the connection works. With a dial up account, you don’t have to worry about you client router settings.
Both locations are setup as such, part of the problem I feel has something to do with SBC having the Router setup as the .49 address and when I check the address on the web it shows it as being .54. I have tried both for TS and neither one work. Can't quite figure out what I may be missing.
You need to determine if you can even connect with the restaurant router before you try TS. Work on getting it to ping. Check if it is even getting past the DSL modem. I don’t know what type of DSL modem you are working with, but some are routers also. Perhaps it is not even getting past the DSL modem.
Wow, you may be on to something there. I have also seen some DSL modems be routers....this may explain that I can not ping the .49 address from home, but can ping the .54 address. This could explain how SBC sells their static IP addresses in packs of 5. That new DSL modem since they installed the static IP may also be a router and now I am dealing with double routers and need to make sure the port is open on the dsl/router...hmmm...I will check this out tomorrow for the client...could be a huge overlook on my part. I will let you know, thank you for taking the time and brain storming with me...this is my first online forum experience. I didn't know where else to turn.
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