Got a situation
NG R55
I've got 2 gateways (A and B) participating in the remote access vpn. Users connect to gateway A using secure client, and authenticate radius . Suddenly after a minute of being successfully connected, the users are now getting prompted to enter credentials again, but this time, its gateway B that is try to authenticate. Gateway B isn't set up to do radius, and is used for a remote access for a different set of users than the ones who connect to gateway A. The user connected to gateway A try to auth, but it fails....but they stay connected, just are prompted every minute to re-authenitcate. Anyone run into this before?
NG R55
I've got 2 gateways (A and B) participating in the remote access vpn. Users connect to gateway A using secure client, and authenticate radius . Suddenly after a minute of being successfully connected, the users are now getting prompted to enter credentials again, but this time, its gateway B that is try to authenticate. Gateway B isn't set up to do radius, and is used for a remote access for a different set of users than the ones who connect to gateway A. The user connected to gateway A try to auth, but it fails....but they stay connected, just are prompted every minute to re-authenitcate. Anyone run into this before?