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Reloading(?) radiobuttons & variables

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May 8, 2003
OOps, forgot i have another question that has been bugging me:

My project is a multiple choice test using radiobuttons:
When a button (submit) is pressed at the bottom of the page, i want the radiobuttons to "HIGHLIGHT" the correct answers, ie modify the text to change colour or something easy to see.
I set the variables to the radiobuttons to the correct values, then what do i do? Do i have to repack the individual questions that are in seperate frames?

Many thanks

Each radiobutton has its own name. Have a list of the correct ones. Then use:
<RBname> configure -fg red
(or whatever color you want)

Bob Rashkin
Excellent. Cheers.....

One other thing, my radiobuttons are called:
$f.r1, $f.r2 ....etc

as they are in frames. To access these from outside the proc, do i have to declare the frame as global??
One other thing,

i have a list of code:
set q1 0
set q2 3
set q4 5....

can i do this all on 1 line? If so how?
Its not set q1 0 q2 2, just a syntax thing i gotta do i presume?

The frames are by definition global, so that's not a problem. You really can't set all the variables on 1 line unless there is some algorithm whereby q$i = &quot;f(i)&quot;. That case you can use &quot;foreach ...&quot;. That said, you can keep the variable names and correct values in an array (or ordered list) and use a loop to set them (that's what I would do).

Bob Rashkin
I cannot access the frames from outside the proc:

Basically, all my frames are called $f, and as they are all in different procs, this doesnt matter. (does it?)

Outside the procs, i want to access the frames maybe like:

$f.r1 configure -fg red.

This i want to turn radiobutton .r1 in the frame red.

This does not work, so where am i going wrong?

You need to access the frames by their real names. They're not called &quot;$f&quot;, they're called whatever &quot;$f&quot; expands to. Presumably, you set them with a &quot;frame .abc.xyz ...&quot; kind of statement. Then you &quot;set f .abc.xyz&quot; or something like that. You need to refer to the frames by what &quot;f&quot; is set to in each instance.

Bob Rashkin
Hi again

Here is the code from the beginnning of the program where the frame is made etc, and then the beginning of the other proc that uses a frame inside of that one.
I am confused on how to access/modify the colour of the text on say, .r1 radiobutton. I want to do:
.r1 configure -fg red.

But need the frame name, and i am not sure what to use.

proc ScrollableFrame {w} {

frame $w
canvas $w.c -height 600 -width 420 -xscrollcommand [list $w.xbar set] -yscrollcommand [list $w.ybar set]
scrollbar $w.xbar -orient horizontal -command [list $w.c xview]
scrollbar $w.ybar -orient vertical -command [list $w.c yview]

frame $w.c.contents

$w.c create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $w.c.contents

grid $w.c -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew -pady 4 -padx 2
grid $w.ybar -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns -pady 4 -padx 2
grid $w.xbar -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew -pady 4 -padx 2
grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1

bind $w.c.contents <Configure> [list UpdateCanvas $w.c]

return $w

proc UpdateCanvas {c} {
$c configure -scrollregion [$c bbox all]

set frameCounter 0

proc Question1 {parent} {

global frameCounter
set i [incr frameCounter]
set f [frame $parent.f$i -bd 2 -relief groove]
message $f.m -text &quot;1.) What is the relationship between Avo and Ais?&quot; -width 400
radiobutton $f.r1 -text &quot;Avo = Ais.Ro/Ri&quot; -variable q1 -value 0

Cheers in advance

If I understand your problem, the main program calls &quot;ScrollableFrame&quot; and passes it the name of the frame into which the canvas is created. Then, somewhere else, you want to change the configuration of the widgets in the frame. As I see it, you have 2 choices:

1. You can go into the main program and find out the real name that is passed into ScrollableFrame. Alternatively (I guess this makes it 3 choices but I think's it's more like a corollary) you can change ScrollableFrame to return the name of the frame (or the canvas) and keep that as a separate variable.

2. You can call the configuration change from inside one of the proc's where you have a local variable for the frame name, passing it along as an argument

Bob Rashkin
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