My w2k3 forest root complains it is not set as a reliable time server. Here's what I did so far:
1. net stop w32time
2. net time /setsntp:time.windows.com (though I'm not sure this is the optimal way to do it; might be only necessary on forest root)
3. w32tm /config /reliable:yes
4. net start w32time
I found a good document on in which they also talk about a registry key ReliableTimeSource in HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters but it's not in there by default. The document is for W2K and I'm using W2K3. It's hard to find some best practices on this topic.
How did you set up your domain with a reliable time source? Did you use net time /setsntp:some.time.server on your forest root? (the document says it's better not to use it on the clients because it's admin intensive) How do you make your forest root a reliable time server?
My w2k3 forest root complains it is not set as a reliable time server. Here's what I did so far:
1. net stop w32time
2. net time /setsntp:time.windows.com (though I'm not sure this is the optimal way to do it; might be only necessary on forest root)
3. w32tm /config /reliable:yes
4. net start w32time
I found a good document on in which they also talk about a registry key ReliableTimeSource in HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters but it's not in there by default. The document is for W2K and I'm using W2K3. It's hard to find some best practices on this topic.
How did you set up your domain with a reliable time source? Did you use net time /setsntp:some.time.server on your forest root? (the document says it's better not to use it on the clients because it's admin intensive) How do you make your forest root a reliable time server?