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Apr 26, 2000

I've stopped my Exchange server from relaying, now my employers can't send e-mail when connecting from an ISP, anyone have any ideas of how let them send e-mail and still have relaying turned on?


I assume your employers are POPing into your Exchange server. You'll want to tell them to change their smtp settings within their mail program to whatever their isp recommends. This way outgoing messages will go through the ISP's server and you get to keep relay turned off.
Yes, thats correct, they use POP.

Is there any way to let the Exchange server relay anyways. I thought this was possible through the Routing Restrictions button.

My experience is relaying is a BAD thing, not just for you, but the rest of the world as well. Generally, if you relay everything within your Exchange server and a very smart and wise hacker finds your server, you'll hardly know about the thousands and or millions of email messages that could be redirected through your server to the world and possibily put your organization in some very messing legal issues.

Oh ya ... there is an international organization that attempts to find sites that are relaying and sents you a very FIRM warning about that fact and do it to protect all of the rest of us.

If you are having problems with clients getting their mail and sending from outside perhaps you should consider providing them with Outlook Web Access when they are out of ;the office.
I've done that but my superiours (you know, those bad guys) complain about the speed. When they are POPing they often use a GSM connection...
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