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reinstalling WIN 98 1

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May 3, 2001
Hello everyone,
I should start out by saying I'm still kind of new at computer stuff (and a grandmother, so sometimes I feel like an "old dog learning new tricks")

I seem to have a problem a day to figure out, and have gotten a lot of help and advice online.

one of my current questions is... can I install WIN 98 (original) from a CD ROM I have (from a previous computer) and have it go over the WIN 98 SE that came in my current HP computer?

Can I do this without losing my programs and files, etc? Someone told me I could, unless I tell WIN to format the harddrive. That I can just reinstall WIN and not touch the programs and files.

I can't find anyone who knows if I can put the original in over the SE? Would I have to take out the SE first?

I know I'd have to download a newer I.E. after, but I have already done this with 5.5 and last night 6 (someone suggested for another problem that just cropped up, I am unable to see java in I.E.(I can in Netscape 3.75 which I also have). This just started recently, and had been find before.

I have been told many different things to "try". One was download I.E. 6 (which I did, and surprisingly I like it, but I still can't see java(like applets, chatrooms,etc. Javascript I can) and another was "reinstall WINDOWS". one person said I should use the HP assist CDs that came with it and start all over.

But I have the WIN 98 Original CD that came with another computer I had. I'd just as soon go back to that and not use SE.

I guess there are several questions and problems in this, and I should probably deal with them one at a time, but they might be interrelated.

No java (something corrupted WINDOWS? I did a system file checker and it brought up 2 that might be, setup.dll and user.exe. It said to put in the installation disk and restore them. I put in the ones that came with the HP (assiste disks) and it said the files weren't on them. Can I use the original WIN 98 disk for this? Just to restore 2 files)

is seeing java related to WINDOWS? Or I.E.? Since I can see it in Netscape, it seems like it must be an I.E. problem (and I have checked and rechecked the settings in this, and like I said downloaded the new version last night) but then someone else told me that the whole thing runs on WIN so it's a WINDOWS problem.

The message box said not to put "help!" in as a subject, but I can see why people might want to (LOL)

You will not be able to install Win98 over Win98SE. You will need to do one of the folowing:
1 get partiton magic and create a dual boot between the two.
2 Format and reinstall the original
3 delete windows folder and reinstall win98.

With all 3 options you will have to reinstall programs. With options 1 and 3 you will keep program info.

What are the problems you are having? You explain some what above but we need more detail.

I guess the main one right now is I can't see java in I.E. The applets, like what is used for games and some chatrooms. They either stay clear with the image icon in the upper left hand corner, or are black.

If I go to the same page with Netscape (3.75)it works fine.

I noticed this about a week ago, though it could have started before that,and I didn't notice.

I had I.E.5.5 and someone suggested downloading the new 6, which I did last night.

I still can't see java.

It's not a major problem, but I want to figure it out. All the settings in I.E. seem to be okay, and would have been set new in 6 last night anyway.

Thanks for the info about reinstalling WINDOWS. I don't want to try this unless I absolutely have to.

Are java problems in WINDOWS or the Browser? I have had someone tell me it's the Browser (because it works in Netscape) but someone else told me it has to be WINDOWS because this is what supports the browsers.

It sounds to to a Browser issue. If you open up IE and at the top you will see tool. Click on it and scroll to INTERNET OPTIONS. Go to the ADVANCED tab. Scroll down through those and adjust different ones to see what will work. May take some time but you should get it.
Also check out the security level. Go back to TOOLS at the to and down to INTERNET OPTIONS then click on SECURITY. Make sure INTERNET in highlighted and look down and at the botom will be a button that DEFAULT LEVEL. Click it. Do those and then let us know.
The problem is with the Microsoft Virtual Machine (Java) stopping working, don't ask why, I don't know, it just does!

If you're lucky, downloading and installing the latest version from
may fix it. Otherwise you will have to manually uninstall and reinstall it. This is outlined at
but be aware it's not for the faint-hearted.

Lastly wiping Windows and installing from scratch may be the only other option.:-(
Please do NOT attempt to re-install either Windows98 or windows98SE over an existing/installed operating system that has I/E 5.5 installed WITHOUT FIRST UNINSTALLING I/E 5.5 and restoring a previous version!

Since I/E 5.5 did not exist at the time either version of Win98 was available the install program cannot correctly 'recognize' the files installed by I/E 5.5. If you chose to do this anyway, you could render the hard drive completely useless, requiring a reformat and then a full re-install (from Recovery/Restore CD that came with your computer from the MFG).

If you try to install a version of Windows98 different from the one that came with your computer you will probably have to visit the MFG's website and download any/all driver/install disks for components (such as video, sound, USB, etc.).

Be sure to FIRST backup any/all user-created data just in case.
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